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still kickin'
September 13, 2002 3:15 p.m.

It would appear to any ordinary person that I've been neglecting my diary lately. On the contrary, I've been active in my Diaryland pursuits - that is, I've been working my ass off fixing a few things that have been driving me crazy for a very long time.

I went back and titled all of those entries from last fall that I had previously titled with only the date. It took a very, very long time to do, so I hope that someone out there appreciates it. I figure I've made things a lot more convenient for any future reader who stumbles across this, because now at least they'll have somewhat of a clue what those entries were about.

And in the interest of self-promotion I've decided to link to, ahem, myself. For some reason I get bothered when people don't read back in my diary - you may understand what I mean. It's like thinking you know someone when really you haven't a clue what was going on with them just months beforehand. So I do hope that most of my loyal readers have read back as far as a year or more ago, but even so I really liked this entry, this one, this one, and last but not least, this one, which I happen to know for a fact is a favourite of a few of you out there. So enjoy!

The second thing I did was change my Cast. Instead of writing a little thing about everyone, I decided to cut it to just the names - in the interest of saving my own ass if someone I know happens to find this one day, God forbid. I know it kind of looks like crap, but it's the best I can do at the moment. I also added a few new people, cut a whole bunch of others. The only one who I kept the description for was Cody, seeing as he already knows I keep an online diary and talk shit about him, plus I feel he deserves explanation seeing as his name appears in 272 entries as of today.

I had plans to write on 9/11, and I had this great entry sorted out in my head. It was so passionate, intelligent and insightful, too, but when it came down to it, I'd lost interest by the time I sat down to the computer.

School has been awesome. I love UBC, and I know my way around now. I feel like a real UBC student who has been there all three years of my post-secondary life, and I totally fit in. I really like my classes, and I should do quite well in at least 2 of them. Spanish has been a lot of fun, I am so excited to be learning another language. I'm really getting into this whole Linguistics thing, and languages - maybe I've finally found my calling? Though I thought the same thing about Literature, and then again about Medicine...

I will really try to write more later, I just wanted to let everyone know I'm still alive. Still taking the remnants of my penicillin for the tonsilitis, but definitely alive.

I do feel like a bad person though. I'm going to a joint birthday party for two of my best friends tonight and something in me just doesn't want to go. I just feel like doing something low-key, or even studying - not running around the city drunk off my ass. I feel like I'm being forced to drink because if I don't, I probably won't have as much fun, and also I want to "participate" in my two best friends' birthdays, you know? I don't know if that makes any sense. I'm just so not in the mood to party tonight, or even see those people for that matter. Am I a bad friend...

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