about me
charm designs

April 24, 2003 7:43 p.m.

Dear Diaryland: I still miss you. I'm trying.

There is so much wrong with me right now. My perceptions are all wrong. I can't think clearly let alone write clearly.

I want to come back so badly but I don't know where to start. I really don't. I keep coming to this blank entry page, staring at it, and then closing it. I wish things were easier.

My last exam is tomorrow. On my "break" I am working six days straight before getting a day off, and then I start my summer classes. I wasn't meaning to take a summer class until June, but now I am re-taking Stats from May-June and then taking the second part as previously planned June-July. Why? I failed. Well I haven't recieved my mark back yet but I am pretty damn sure I failed. If I did pass, it was with less than 55%.

I failed a class.

I feel like just giving up.

Writing in here is painful. I don't know what happened, somewhere along the line I just lost myself.

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