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March 10, 2003 2:11 p.m.

I hate today. I'm sick of the TA strikes at school affecting my education. Not that they can be totally blamed for my education being affected, it's partly my own lack of studying of course, but everything just feels so disrupted. My entire schedule is thrown off and I'm now forced to self-teach myself the remainder of my Spanish class because my prof is techincally a TA! This means I haven't had Spanish class since mid-February. That's just...bullshit.

I don't feel harmonious today. I had a midterm that I know I did badly on, and I'm pissed off at myself because I know I could have done SO much better had I actually kept up with reading the text book. I know I can do better than this in school but I just feel Academically, I mean. This isn't normal for me, this is out of character. I have another midterm tomorrow that at this point I will fail completely. I just don't know what's wrong with me, I'm throwing away these marks I could be getting if only I concentrated just a little bit more...

So I didn't go to my first class because pickets were around my building. I then took my midterm, then skipped my next class. I feel like shit for that, I've skipped so much this term and it's just not good. I went to the gym instead and realized that first of all I wore my glasses today and didn't have my contacts, and I can't run in my glasses, so I had to run without my glasses. I'm not even that blind but half of my motivation at the gym comes from the fact that I run on treadmills that face full length mirrors - without my contacts, I was looking a blur of myself and not a clear vision and that was just wrong. Everything is just wrong today. I also ate a sandwich in the car right before going there, because I was stressed and pissed off and so I got cramps twice while running, and I only ran for 24 minutes before giving up when I should have been able to go for at least 30. Then I went home, didn't even do the rest of my workout, and I felt disgusting and bewildered seeing as today my weight seems to have dropped even more but I haven't been working as hard lately or eating as well, so maybe I just lost muscle. Blah.

I have a headache, I don't feel well, I was looking forward to making some tea, getting in my sweats and calling a friend from school to ask for some help with the midterm tomorrow...I opened my agenda to make sure the midterm is the only thing I have to do tonight and fuck, I completely forgot that for March my shifts at work turned over to Mondays, and I have a 6 hour shift tonight. When I am supposed to study? I stayed up too late last night trying to cram in Psychology and I don't know if my body can take any more from me today.

I'm just in a bad mood. I'm dizzy. I really want to go to McDonalds and get a Big Mac meal with real Coke. Instead, I know tonight I'll buy a Powerbar from the cafeteria and a diet coke from the vending machine, and I'll bring a 51 calorie Cup-A-Soup with me in my mug. I'm so sick of Cup-A-Soup, and I'm so sick of green salad with vinagrette dressing, and I'm so sick of low-cal Silouette yogurt with Aspartame.

I don't understand how it's possible that my weight is so low, I don't feel any different than I did a month ago really - maybe a tiny little bit, but right now I'm apparently thinner than I was in Gr. 12 and thinner than I was after losing weight after Cody and I broke up. My two absolute favourite pairs of jeans, I can slide them straight off my hips while they're done up.

I don't know, my head hurts, I can't think anymore.

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