about me
charm designs

still busy
February 24, 2003 5:03 p.m.

So busy. No time to write. No time to sleep. No time to breathe.

I love my school, I love my friends, I'm loving my life in general.

I'm being put in charge of things and people trust me. I'm back in the world of having responsibilities and reassuming the leadership role I used to take on as a kid. It's like falling back into your niche, you know?

I'm making things happen, really big things, really fun things. And people like me, and I'm running in elections, and I have four meetings this week and big people to call and things to pick up and booths to set up and all-day poster parties to attend and don't forget going to the gym. We're still doing that. Oh yeah, and don't forget school. I on a daily basis forget about it so better one of us remembers then none of us...

Now that I'm so busy and involved I feel like time is just flying by. I might be going to Mexico again after this term is over. Maybe, hopefully.

Someone today told me I have a "killer body".

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