about me
charm designs

February 20, 2003 6:35 p.m.

I came across this and I was howling with laughter, because sadly so many of the following apply. I'll only add the ones that either apply to myself, or I think are soooo hilariously funny and could apply to anyone who has seen the musical and loves it as much as I do.

[Warning: If you haven't seen the musical RENT, you won't get this]

You Might Be a Renthead If...

- your friends say you're "addicted" or "obsessed"
- you've dreamed of playing a part in RENT, even if you can't sing or act
- you know all of the words to La Vie Boheme
-->extra credit: you understand all the references in La Vie Boheme
- you learned to play Musetta's Waltz on guitar
-->ec: you only know what Musetta's Waltz is because of RENT
- when somebody asks "what's the time?" you feel compelled to sing out "well it's gotta be close to midnight!"
- you find yourself explaining Rent to anyone around you (perfect strangers count) at any given moment
- you can't take anyone named Alison seriously
- Christmas carols will NEVER be the same
-you have EVER considered having your answering machine say "speeeeeeeeaaaaaaaak"
-->ec: it actually says "speeeeeeeeaaaaaaaak"
- anytime you hear something about one of the more obscure references from La Vie Boheme, you say "Omigod! Vaclav Havel! that's in La Vi-" and then look around and shut up because you realize that no one knows what the hell you're talking about
- you feel like typing A-N-G-E-L at any ATM machine you can find
-->ec: at a Food Emporium
- you have "No day but today" written everywhere
- you want Mimi's clothes even though they are really slutty
- you want to buy the cd even though you already have it
- whenever someone talks about Mickey Mouse, you automatically think "suicidal"
- you order "Two tofu dog platter" or "One pasta with meatless balls" at any restaurant, telling the waiter that it tastes the same if you close your eyes
- if you are a true Renthead, you know that Seasons of Love, although it be a great song, isn't the best song of the musical
- you try to relate your life to RENT, even if you live in an upper middle class neighborhood
- you have the whole play running over and over in your head almost all the time
- you want to move to NYC just so you can go see RENT everyday
- when you're leaving someone a message, you feel compelled to sing, "That was a very loud beep..."
- you read this entire list and actually understand everything on it
- you listen to the entire soundtrack just in hopes of thinking of something to add to this list
- whenever a friend says "last night I had a dream" you follow with "were you in a desert called cyberland?"
- you have gotten into an argument with a teacher, friend or family member that the opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation
- whenever you hear someone say "You teach?" you want to go up to them and say "I teach, computer age philosophy"
- you actually spend hours in your closet putting together an outfit that's apropos for a party that's also a crime
- you feel guilty when you forget some of the lyrics
- in health class when your teacher asks you what you know about AIDS you respond with "My T-cells are low I regret that news, okay?"
- you decided to take Spanish because Mimi is Hispanic
- you have straight blond hair, blue eyes and fair skin, and you are willing and even eager to dye your hair, get brown contacts and spend hours, even days in a tanning booth just so you can play Mimi
-->ec: you have actually done this
- you loved being 19 so you could finally say, "I'm 19, but I'm old for my age, I'm just born to be bad!"
- you only took Spanish in school to understand "Mimi, chica, donde estas? tu mama esta yamando, donde estas Mimi?"
- when someone says, "You look familiar" you want to reply, "Like your dead girlfriend?"
- Jonathan Larson is your hero

God there are so many more. And they're so true! Talk about a musical changing your life...

Please tell me someone else related to this.

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