about me
charm designs

short update
February 19, 2003 1:02 p.m.

Here's something exciting.

I was awfully illegal and borrowed a CD that has over $3000 worth of programs on it from an awfully illegal friend, thus I now have the full version of my favourite image-making program, the one I made my current layout with.


Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have some new links. Don't think I can change up the layout of the actual diary because I'm not that skilled, but I like it anyway. Maybe just some new colours will suffice for the moment. I do have this program until the end of time - muahahaha!

In other news, I stupidly injured myself at the gym this week, two days in a row, and so today I am taking a day off because I literally cannot walk. My calf muscles are in so much pain that when I attempt to stand up I feel like I'm just going to collapse again. Not good, not good. And I have my period right now and gained a couple of pounds from water weight and all that fun stuff, but it's not going away and I can't fucking lose those few more pounds I want to. So frustrated. My body hates me right now.

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