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v-day rant
February 14, 2003 4:19 p.m.

Short and sweet because I don't have time. I've just always wondered why we still celebrate Valentine's Day when it seems as if 90% of the world thinks it's the scam of a lifetime. It's like it has become some kind of obligatory day that most people dread whether they are single or attached. So I say, why have it at all? Is there really any harm in discontinuing Valentine's Day? I don't think so.

And I'm not just saying this because I'm single. I've had two V-Days with a boyfriend and I was not excited for either of them. Valentine's Day is just like a huge pain in the ass. It's required you spend money and do something "special" for another person when you should be doing special things for them on regular days too. It's a day that your significant other feels like they have to make you happy, but why? I'd rather get a hug and a kiss for Valentine's Day over any kind of mindless gift. I never felt special knowing Cody was going to take me out to a fancy dinner, because he could have done that any day of the year if he'd wanted to, which obviously never crossed his mind. The fact that love is "supposed to" be expressed on this one stupid day in February makes going out for a fancy dinner or getting a special gift, in my opinion, much more meaningless than had it happened on a regular day where one was not obligated to take you out or buy you a gift. What could be more un-romantic than that?

Valentine's Day is stressful and it's stupid for all mankind and if you're single then it's just flat out bites. If you do decide to go out on Valentine's Day and have fun, no doubt it'll be some kind of "single's night", made just for lonely and desperate people like yourself.

Everyone can acknowledge these things and everyone knows it's an excuse for Hallmark, chocolate and flower companies to bank in.

Another one of my "When I'm Queen Of the World" rants. Down with the stupidest excuse for consumerism on earth.

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