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charm designs

February 7, 2003 10:28 p.m.

A few things to note about today:

1) Every single person at work (including my manager the second I walked in the door!) commented on my loss of weight, completely unprovoked, and then again brought it up when we were out for appetizers (aka THE DEVIL).

2) Due to the appetizers I went way, way, way over my calorie limit today and thus am considering purging right now. I know, it's bad. But I feel disgusting. After a day of pure praising you'd think I'd have reacted by glorifying my diet ways, not rebelling against them?

3) I'm way behind in my studying. I have three midterms next week and I haven't even finished Week 1's readings for one of my classes. This is no good.

4) I've concluded that I have no time to do this so-called studing, between gym, work, poster party and soccer, plus promising my heartbroken best friend I'd do something with her tomorrow night to cheer her up. Thus I have further concluded that the hours of the day must be extended. When I'm Queen of the world...

5) My water intramurals night was super fun! But the chlorine has made my hair so dry, and we all know how vain I am about my hair...

6) I got a 75 cent raise at work which is a lot to lil' old part-time me. I'm very happy, and yet this is going to make it harder to quit. Fuck. It's like the never-ending job from hell that pays me too much to really truly acknowledge I'm in hell.

7) I'm tired but I think I'm happy.

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