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thanks, update, eyes
November 26, 2002 8:04 p.m.

To all of you who responded to my desperate pleas yesterday, both in email and in guestbook, thank you. You are all such dolls, and everyone's info truly helped me out. I'd thank you all individually via guestbook love but I'm a little low on the energy right now.

I'm having one of those days where I'm so deliriously tired that I feel like I'm on drugs. I go from not being able to keep my eyes open one hour, to bouncing off the walls the next singing Christmas carols at the top of my lungs. I was tired and blah for most of the day, until my last class. Then I was estatic the whole car ride home, and now I am just...content.

I feel lightheaded and I don't know if I'm making sense. Hopefully I will regain normality before tomorrow. I'm not the type of person to be able to function on 3 hours of sleep. I'll make this short - I was ultra gutsy today and became better friends with the hot guys in my Spanish class who were assholes to me at the beginning of the year. Now I'm actually realizing that I think they were teasing me because they liked me, which is way too Grade 4 for my liking but at any rate you can never have too many school friends. And honestly, the hottest one of them all actually proved himself to be decent tonight. Two of them offered to walk me to my car after class which came as a total and complete shock to me, until I realized that the hot one actually lives at the frat house quite close to where I park. Meaning him and I can walk back together for the rest of the year, which I do find intriguing because I don't like walking by myself late at night plus the whole you-can-never-have-too-many-friends thing. I invited them to come to the club with me this Friday (which was the ultra gutsy move on my part) knowing they wouldn't, but making little efforts like that is what brings people closer, right. I got a feeling from them that either one of them liked me, or that they were asking questions for the guy who I sit with (in which case I'd actually be mildly interested, seeing as he's quite a bit smarter than the other two). They made a point to ask whether or not him and I knew each other before or if we'd just met in class, and when I said, "yeah, just from class" they seemed surprised. I don't know, it was an interesting situation at least and it made me happy. Having people like me is a good thing. Making friends with hot guys usually leads to meeting their hot friends eventually.

My brain is working in simple sentences. Expansion of social circle = good thing.

I haven't even told you about my upcoming weekend from Hell, have I? I don't know if I can handle it right now. I may leave it for tomorrow or the next day, when I can explain and analyze the situation in full. Don't feel like thinking about it. Hint: Yes it does involve Cody, and oh there is more. So stay tuned for near-future freak outs.

Oh yeah, and here is my eye. With the mascara I applied 13 hours ago. Feel free to be jealous of my eyelashes. I'm being a cocky bitch and so I will stop now.

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