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drunk as shit
October 27, 2002 2:15 a.m.

Solk like, this is not my first drunk entry ever, it's probably my twentieth or something. I'm not rpessing bakcstpaces vert often so if you can read this, you kjow that you are SO HIP to the drunken lingo!! Come on, live thorugh this yoyu can do it.

I had a whole bottle of white wine and then some guy kept giving me beers and I think he wanted to have sex with me bu I duno. Some guy dressed as Darth Maul but I'm stupid to Star Wars shit and I didn't even know who Darth Maul was so he explained to me and then I understood, sort of.

I went to a Halloween party abd eveyrone was SO DRESSED UP and I felt like a reatrard wearing normal clothes and then I was wearing a princess crown. But some Spanish guy had a goal to meet a girl wearing a tiara so some gir, in a gypsy costume came up to me and brought me to this guy and him and I talked forever because he'd gone to Univerisity at UCLA and I was spazzing b/c I want to go to Uni there someday. But I was so drunkj by that poit that I kept swaying and almost falling down., It was good times.

I had the funnniest MSN coversation EVER with my two best girlfrineds, we were all soooooooo wasted and seriously I am so stupid, I emant to save the convo to post on here but then I fuckingn closed the box. So I lost it all. But it was soooo funny. We coulndn't understand each other worth shiti and I was alughing soooo hard., Much like this looks., Fuck. Okay. Seiously, I need to starnt typign nomallay.

AHHH. I'm trying now. I'm not a complete invalid. I can type. The funny thing is, not only are the friends I was with tonight drunk, but my OTHER friends are drunk as well -I just talked to Danny who was at some gay club making out with a guy and he was drunk as shit and he couldn't type either.

Can I just say, this was a good night, and I'm glad I had a little fun.

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