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halloween is in the air
October 27, 2002 6:19 p.m.

I am happy I had the opportunity to celebrate Halloween, seeing as it is my favourite holiday. I was afraid I'd have no Halloween spirit this year, as I have school on the 31st and get home after the majority of trick or treaters have come by. Meh.

What's wrong with adults trick or treating? I wish it were socially acceptable for me to go out because I honestly miss it. If you ask me, the trick or treating cut-off age should be raised from 15-ish to 25-ish. I can definitely pull of looking 16 (I was just asked yesterday what school I go to - as in, high school) so I sometimes have the urge to get out there. I personally believe that it's much much cooler to see a 22-year-old in full-out costume that took real thought and work over a 13-year-old who puts on a mask from the dollar store, dresses in black and calls that getting into the spirit of Halloween.

I was at Safeway a couple of days ago and I almost bought a Halloween costume that would fit a baby. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life, I almost cried. It was a full body lion suit. Felines are my favourite animals. It was really fuzzy and warm with a zipper up the front and a big hood with ears and the mane and everything. I tried to justify spending $20 on my non-existent baby, but in the end I thought, you know, a few years from now, Safeway will still be carrying cute baby costumes, so this isn't really a once-in-a-lifetime moment. I put it away very slowly, while eyeing the rest of the rack - full body elephants, unicorns, giraffes - the giraffe was too, too cute. When I have a baby, I'll dress us as Mommy and Baby Lion, and I bet you can not even imagine how cute that will be. I'll take pictures. You'll all see them.

Tomorrow I'm going all out at work. Fairy Princess. I have the long flowing dress, wand, crown, sparkles. All I need is to pick up some wings tomorrow and I'll be very cute. I think I might curl my hair into big ringlets too and do all of my makeup sparkly pink and silver. We have candy to give out to kids that I hope my manager will have taken out of the safe by tomorrow. She bought tons and tons of candy, then locked it in the safe over the weekend, thinking we'd eat it all if she wasn't there. So true, so true.

I need one more real Halloween experience to feel fully satisfied that I celebrated this holiday. Going to the pumpkin patch at night is an idea, they light it all up spooky and you can pick your pumpkin and go through the corn maze for just $5. I would also love to go on the Ghost Train at Stanley Park. Or find a haunted house somewhere, or have a seance or do something creepy like that. Scary movies, scary books, ghost stories, I love all of it.

One time, around the time of the first Blair Witch, Cody and I were driving around and we went past this patch of forest. I can't remember why we felt the need to go into the forest. It was probably my idea, seeing as I like to purposely scare myself once in a while. It was dark and foggy, and we parked the car on the side of the road and started venturing in. We were walking really slowly. There was a clearing ahead and I kept saying, "faster, go faster" and all of a sudden he stopped dead, started screaming and turned around and yelled at me, "GO, GO". I was absolutely terrifed and was screaming the entire way out of there, and he kept pushing me from behind like, "FASTER GO GO" and I seriously thought someone was chasing us. We had mud all over our pants and scratches on our arms from branches. I was shaking I was so scared. Once we got out, I burst into tears, and as soon as I started to cry he started to laugh and was like, "Krista, don't cry...I was just trying to scare you!". I was soooooo mad and couldn't believe it, because I had honestly been scared for my life. I was like, "What? Excuse me? You were just pretend - AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!". I screamed this terrifying horror movie-type scream and was looking behind him when I did it, as if I was seeing something behind him, and he screamed too, freaked out, started running to the car and looked like he was going to pee his pants. Then I told him I was joking, and we both started laughing because we were even and everything was fine...and right then we both heard something. This crackling of branches and footsteps from the something was actually walking through it, coming out of the forest towards us. We looked at each other, then absolutely raced to the car. He was trying to get the key in the lock and I was like, "hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry!!!!!!" and I thought I was going to cry again.

We got into the car and were both like, "holy shit, holy shit" and right then I noticed in the mirrors that there was this single bright light coming from behind, closer and closer to the car. We were both screaming and shitting ourselves by now and Cody started the car really fast and we drove off quick. The entire way down the road, we could still see the light in the distance...and the entire way home all we could say was, "holy shit. Holy fucking shit". In retrospect it could have been a guy with a bike light but...who knows...doooo deeee dooo.

So that's my "ghost story" of the day. I'll think of a better one to post on Halloween, because I have a few.

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