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4 down, 16 to go
October 21, 2002 8:40 p.m.

I'm doing a fine job of procrastinating. English midterm tomorrow and I just really don't feel like studying for it. I have so little interest in this course that I'm planning on using my superb bullshitting skills to bring me out of this with at least a C+. This involves counting on my innate essay writing skills to pull through for me, seeing as it has been 5 months since I've written an essay. Intro? Thesis? What? Emerson versus Thoreau? Whatever.

I lost 4 lbs! I really did. I went to the gym today and weighed myself for the first time in a couple weeks on the same scale I had weighed myself on previously, same time of the day and the first reading said I'd lost 5 lbs, the second said 3 lbs, so I'm going with 4. That was seriously crazy motivation, so for the next hour and a half I went nuts and sweat more than I think I ever have in my life. And my friends have been commenting within the last week or two that I "look skinnier" - ah, sweet success, and only the beginning of successes to come. My goal is to get into the 120's by the end of November - it's doable if I can stick to my routine right now.

I think this is the first time in my life I've really felt this kind of high. I've never made a conscious effort to lose weight, and actually set goals for myself before. Actually seeing results in the numbers on the scale was an extremely happy moment, I just felt like screaming, "YES!!!" right there in the locker room. I can feel the obsessive eating disorder tendencies creeping in, but I can fight it. I'm not going to screw myself over. I'm obviously doing things right if I've lost about 5 lbs in a month and a bit, I think that seems healthy and normal. And I'm not starving myself. I just need to keep this up. If I can lose another 5 lbs in a month or so, I'll be halfway to my goal weight. I'm sooo happy!

Anyway, I'm starting to feel guilty about not studying so maybe I'll try for a bit.

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