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leaving for sunshine
April 30, 2002 12:10 a.m.

This will be my last entry before I leave in exactly 12 HOURS! I should really be asleep right now, but I had to bid a farewell to those at Diaryland first. Au revoir, mes amis. If you think of me during the week, leave me a guestbook message to come home to!

If there's one thing I hate, it's packing. It's so worrisome. I'm totally paranoid I am going to forget something, and I overpack like you wouldn't believe. I'm actually embarrased to say how much I overpack, but to give you an idea - I'll be gone for 9 days, and I have 21 shirts. Yes, I have problems. But it's so stressful, how can I possibly know what I'll be in the mood to wear everyday? I'm a moody girl. Same goes for makeup - though I use a particular eyeshadow maybe once a month, how do I know I won't have a sudden need for it while I'm gone? The packing process drives me mental. There's always something I feel I should be bringing that I'm not, and 95% of the time I actually wear/use only a quarter of the shit I bring with me on vacation. But it's better to be safe than sorry, yes?

I tried to go without painkillers today and I couldn't do it. I made it until about 3pm, and realized that I really, really needed to take something. I took two extra strengh Tylenol instead of the Tylenol with codeine though, and it did work, though not as well. I can make due without the codeine, it was tolerable. The last thing I need is to become addicted to codeine. My stomach is still adjusting to the codeine-free environment but I think it will love me in a couple of days when I've lightened the medicine load.

I'm praying that all will go well and I won't be in too much pain or too uncomfortable sleeping, considering I'm sleeping on the floor of Dan's apartment. Well, on an air mattress on the floor. If I really can't take it, I suppose I could always climb into one of the guys' beds - oops, did I say (write) that out loud. Bad me. I'm sure they wouldn't mind. I really need to remind myself to take it easy. Too much excitement and sexual energy early on in the vacation could lead to exhaustion and pain. I sound like something out of a fortune cookie -

Too much excitement and sexual energy early on in the vacation could lead to exhaustion and pain.

Alas I should be off to bed now, big day ahead of me. I'm not entirely keen on flying, especially over ocean. That's really what the problem is, it isn't the airplane at all, it's the fact that the entire flight is over water. The idea of crashing into the ocean is just...uuugh. I'd rather shoot myself in the head than have to experience that. My body would probably end up being eaten by some evil ocean creature, whales being the most evil. Is it weird that whales frighten me more than sharks? I seriously think I could take a shark...but a whale, God I don't even want to think about them. Monstrous fish freaks.

On that note, I need to stop babbling and go to sleep already. I'm really, really excited...

I'll fill everyone in with the hopefully exciting details when I return home!

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