about me
charm designs

April 26, 2002 7:58 p.m.

I've decided to be like so many other diarists and participate in the Friday Five. So here goes.

1. What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, dancing, singing, playing field hockey when I can...

2. Do you collect anything? If so, what?
Not really, actually. I'm trying to cut down on the amount of junk in my bedroom. If anything, I collect things unintentionally - debit card receipts?

3. Is there a hobby you're interested in, but just don't have the time/money to do?
Photography is something I've always wanted to pursue further. That, or something musical. Coincidentally (or not), those are two things that my father used to do - he worked for a recording studio for a long time and got to meet lots of famous musicians, and he took photography at college for a year and used to be really interested in it, before he got a job with my mom's dad.

4. Have you ever turned a hobby into a moneymaking opportunity?
If awards for English and writing count, I guess so, but I've never tried to sell anything crafty before. Krista + crafts = scary.

5. Besides web-related stuff (burbs, rings, etc.), what clubs do you belong to?
Well I belong to a Bitter Ex's Club. Seriously, nothing school-related at the moment. For the short time I went to SFU I played field hockey. I've always wanted to be a part of the newspaper staff as an editor or writer, and maybe I will try that someday, if I ever work up the guts to go to a meeting.

Okay, I had an entire entry written, then I had a blonde moment and pressed the back button to check something out, and I lost my entire entry. So I became frustrated, and then Dawson's Creek came on, and since then I've basically forgotten what I had written (wrote?) earlier. Here are the basics that I can remember:

- Collarbone hurts like hell today. Tried to go without painkillers for as long as possible, and had to succomb to the drugs in the late afternoon. I can feel the bone poking out where it shouldn't be, and I know it'll stay like that forever because collar bones never really realign, the break just fills up with stuff your body produces and that's considered "healed". It's grossing me out being able to feel and see it.

- Haven't thought about Cody much today, which has me relieved.

- Rescheduled my hair appointment for tomorrow, and this time there's no way I'm missing it. This experience has really helped me realize the extent of my vanity. It isn't totally out of control, but it's pretty bad at times. My hair is my biggest concern. It used to be soft and shiny, but since the accident it's been dull, fuzzy and disgusting, plus I lost a lot of it due to the high stress of the situation. Yesterday I tried for the first time to blow dry and straighten it before going out, and it literally felt like straw. I found a little tube of that VO5 hot oil treatment and tried it this morning, and it didn't seem to do much. If anyone has any suggestions for home remedies, leave me a message in the book. So far I've heard mayonnaise and lemon juice?

- I've also realized how I had been taking my healthy body for granted. I cannot even imagine what it must be like to be paralyzed. I'm feeling enough frustration and vulnerability as it is with my right arm. It's becoming a little more mobile, but I still can't lift it high enough to wash or brush my hair. It's so annoying, and I hate having to ask people to reach things for me, hold things for me, dress me. I will always be grateful for the use of my arms from now on, not to mention my other limbs. I am so lucky to have escaped more serious injury, I swear that I was blessed.

I'm still feeling on-and-off nausea, probably from the medicine. I tried to rest all today because yesterday I completely over-exerted myself shopping at Metrotown. Tomorrow is another full day, so I hope I will be up for it. I need to get lots of rest. I don't know what else to do with myself. I've been trying to keep busy in stupid ways, making lists, cleaning, checking random things on the computer.

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