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it's almost over...
April 17, 2002 3:23 p.m.

Only one more left. I already feel so relieved, knowing that English is totally over with. God, that class was hell, and I can honestly say I've never written a worse final than the one I wrote this morning. It was totally and utterly horrible, but it's over. If only I could adopt Carmen's attitude of at least we passed...if only I didn't need more than just a pass.

I didn't dream about Cody last night, instead I dreamed (dreamt?) that I was a part of The Way of All Flesh by Samuel Butler - the book I wrote about this morning, the one I read eight pages of. Somehow, I was a character in the book, interacting with all of the other characters that I guess I'd created in my imagination, so when I was writing my essay on it I was writing about myself. It was totally bizarre and I wish I could remember more of it. I ended up waking up at 3 in the morning thinking I'd slept in and it was at least 7:30. I think I was more awake then than I was after three more hours of sleeping.

I have to wait until Friday, 11am to get my hair done because it was the earliest they could get me in. I'll probably go dancing tomorrow night, so I guess I won't have new hair by then, but I'll have something new to wear hopefully. The original plan was
Thursday (after exam): get hair done
Friday: shopping
But it's easy enough to switch those two around. Either way, I'm planning on spending a hell of a lot of money in the next couple of days. Buh-bye paycheck.

This has been very boring, and I wish I had a picture to post but I don't have any good ones at the moment. I will spice up my life very soon. Just one more of these damn things to write. One more, and then my fate lies in the hands of UBC. I can't wait until all of this is over. I have so many things running through my mind that I just can't wait to do.

The wind blew all of the clouds away, so now the sky is bright blue and the sun is shining, but it's still way to cold for my liking. I tried going out on the deck to read for History this afternoon and expose my skin to some of the UV rays it's been craving, but it was way too cold for me to stay out there for more than three minutes. Sometimes I think I've forgotten what warmth from the sun feels like.

What I noticed today is that when the sun is shining, everything looks like it has colour again. I also noticed that it's the seventeenth of the month.

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