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geekiness, return!
April 5, 2002 3:40 p.m.

I complained to my Mum that the only bread we ever have in our house is white bread - "empty calories". She bought some whole wheat bread for me and I very happily made myself a tuna sandwich on whole wheat today. I took a big bite out of it and something struck me. Brown bread with weird little nuts in's the exact same kind of bread Cody used to have in his house that I always teased him about. We called it "the nut bread" and joked about it constantly. It was one of the longest running inside jokes in our relationship, this damn bread. I'd forgotten all about it until today.

I was thinking today about my name, my nicknames, and who calls me what. Most of my friends call me by my whole first name, or Kris - but at home, my dad calls me Kristy. He's called me Kristy since I was little and I have never thought twice about it until now. How can I go by Kristy at home, but Krista elsewhere...

Once all of my exams are over I am going to enter the world of reading books again. Books! I miss them so dearly. This may be the nerdiest thing I've ever said, but one of my most favourite things about the entire summer is my Oprah's Book Club frenzy. At the beginning of summer, I make a list: Books I Want to Read. And I go through them, in order. Visit the library once every two weeks and take out another two books on the list. My ultimate goal last summer was to read every single book to date from Oprah's list that I hadn't read yet - sadly I did not finish, but I got very close - I only have five or six left. That was quite a feat I thought, so this summer I'm psyched to finish the list and catch up on the books I missed throughout this year. I'm watching Oprah right now and she's discussing Fall On Your Knees by Ann-Marie MacDonald, and I'm absolutely dying to read it. I really mean I'm dying, I'm itching to run to the library and read my life away again. Another thing I often do is make favourite book lists. Top 5, Top 10, Top 15, just for fun. Michelle and I actually went out for coffee one night last summer and sat for hours arguing with each other about a joint Top 10 list. We agreed on a solid six, but the last four were brutal. We did end up agreeing that both I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb and Back Roads by Tawni O'Dell were in the Top 3, but for the third one it was a fight to the end. I don't think we ever decided on one. I was holding out for The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver because that is personally my all-time favourite.

Okay so I think I'm going to cry - Oprah just announced that the book she's announcing today (another book by Toni Morrison) is the official end of the Book Club. What?! How can that be?! I understand though, finding a really great book every month has got to be really hard. She said that if she comes across a really, really great book again she'll announce it, but this is the end to the official monthly "Book Club". After I finish reading all of the past books from the list, what am I going to do?! I need a new book club, and fast.

Note to self: My next boyfriend must love reading.

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