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sadly, about nothing...
April 2, 2002 9:49 p.m.

I almost threw a spazz because Diaryland wasn't connecting, proving my theory that it actually is addictive and I may in fact be obsessed with Diaryland. But I am very happy that it is working now so I will add a picture of Jay for your (okay, my own) enjoyment:

He's so beautiful.

Nothing happened today. I went to school and everything was the same as it is every other day. Came home, contemplated going to the gym, didn't go. It's actually my brother's 17th birthday today, and so my grandparents came over for dinner. We ate cake and he opened his presents, I watched Popstars, studied a little for my English quiz tomorrow.

Get this song: 7 days (Remix) by Craig David feat. Mos Def. I was so incredibly sick of the original song months ago because of my Craig David CD, but the remix sounds nothing like the original and kicks some ass. Also good is the remix of U Remind Me by Usher feat. Blu Cantrell and Methodman. I recommend...

I should really trust my intuition a little more. Remember how I had the feeling that Osama was obsessed with me, but Danny told me it was just a crush? Well over the weekend I checked my e-mail Junk folder for the first time in a while, because my Hotmail is on high security and sometimes real e-mails go to the Junk by in my Junk folder I found two e-mail cards from Osama, both these gushy cards with big red hearts that said I love you or I miss you and inside he'd gone on about how great I was and how he couldn't stop thinking about me. And he called me "sweetie" on more than one occasion. I felt sort of sick.

Since then I have politely turned down another offer he made to take me out, but I did ask him if he'd like to come to a club sometime with my friends. I kind of regret it now because I don't want him getting really attached to me. This could be bad, or it could just fade away (hopefully the case)...

I asked him what Filipino guy's name is and at first he said Alex, and then thought maybe it was Ali. At least I have somewhat of an idea, and apparently he isn't Filipino he is some kind of Arabic too, but even Jess thought his eyes looked a little bit Asian so I wasn't completely crazy. Either way, I like both names Alex and Ali, so I am still intrigued by this guy.

I'm hoping to find a cute guy in Hawaii to be my boyfriend for a week. I really need one of those. Just a quick ego boost, and it sounds pathetic but I really need to just kiss a guy. It's been months since I've kissed a guy on the lips. I'm not easy by any means, but I really wouldn't mind just a one week "thing". No sex, just some other methods of boyfriend action.

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