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a night at the fair
March 30, 2002 12:00 p.m.

Thanks to all of you who responded to my search engine freak-out. Kim contacted Doug for me, who gave me a code to stick into my HTML that apparently tells search engines to eliminate me from the search. I'll be checking my stats to see if it works. If not...fuck it. If someone wants to get upset by what they read in my diary, that's their problem.

Four-day-weekends from school are great. I spent yesterday shopping, and ended up buying a really sexy black bikini just like I had envisioned, and it was only $40. If you didn't know already, I am the queen of bikinis - working at a swimwear store has been the death of me. I own at least 8 or 9 bikinis, but for Hawaii (and to add to my collection) I really wanted one in just a plain, basic shiny black, triangle top style. So I found one, and now I'm very happy. I also found one of the professional straightening irons that are very rare to find, because they're not usually sold to the public. It was $80, but so unbelievably worth it. I just got out of bed, didn't even wash my hair or anything - ran this iron through my hair after letting it heat up for about 2 minutes, and my hair looks like I just spent an hour on it. Life is so great...

Now it is Saturday and I feel so lazy. I know I have things to do today - go to the library, go to the bank and apply for a new debit card, go to the gym, I have dance class at 3pm, I said I'd go visit Jess and Anita at work because I need to try on a pair of board shorts I put on hold for myself (again), and I'll probably go to church. I can't remember if someone asked me if I wanted to go clubbing tonight, but I have a vague memory of it. Maybe it was a dream. Or maybe I'm confusing yesterday with today. I've been disoriented all week...on Wednesday I could have sworn it was Tuesday, but on Thursday I thought it was Friday and couldn't understand why the TV guide didn't come with the newspaper.

This has been incredibly dull, and I have to get going...perhaps I will be back tonight...

Wait, I just remembered one thing interesting. I was at a fair last night, and finally met Anna's boyfriend. It's been almost three months and she has never introduced him to me, just because she's scared of what I'll think of him - but actually he seemed very nice and polite, and he wasn't that bad looking. I feel so enlightened after finally meeting him. She's always talking to him on the phone around me, and spilling all of their problems on I finally got to see who this guy is. That was highlight of the night.

If that wasn't the highlight, then being stopped at the top of the ferris wheel while we were high had to be it. I'll never let go of my belief that the ferris wheel is by far the scariest ride at any fair - by far. It's the only ride I actually scream on because I'm truly scared that I'm going to die. Keep in mind that I love being scared and I still will go on the ferris wheel (and all of the rides, actually) anyway. Everyone thinks I'm last night Anna and I went on one seat together, and Michelle and Sharisa went on another behind us. You know how when they're seating everyone, and have to raise it slowly to get everyone on a seat, so at some point you're just stopped at the very top waiting? We were stopped at the very top point for what seemed like an hour, and we were freaking. I could hear Sharisa screaming at us to turn around because they wanted to tell us something, or sing a song, or whatever it was, but Anna and I were so scared we couldn't move, we were just sitting there holding hands and laughing and she'd say, "Oh my God, I'm actually scared, I'm serious Krista, I'm actually seriously scared" and I'd say, "Anna isn't this the scariest moment of your life" and she'd be like, "This is so fucking scary, I'm seriously scared" and then we'd start screaming, then Sharisa would scream, then we'd scream "SHUT THE FUCK UP we're seriously scared!!". Then it started moving and we calmed down some, but when it stopped and starting turning forward, we thought we were going to die again and screamed through the entire thing.

After that we went in the House of Mirrors, where we passed by a little room where a whole bunch of guys were smoking pot - inside the House of Mirrors. I thought that was hilarious, and it just proved my point that over 50% of the people at the Lansdowne Fair are stoned.

Now I really have to go do all of my errands, so perhaps I will write later.

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