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February 14, 2002 7:23 p.m.

My least favourite day of the year has finally arrived! Oh, the joy.

Actually today has been pretty weird. I went to the mall looking pretty and feeling really confident, intending on flirting with every guy I saw. I was on a mission to buy a bunch of things for myself and ended up buying a bra that is a size too big for me not to mention has this crazy "air lift" in it. I'm so excited about looking like I have boobs that I can't stop trying on all of my little shirts with it.

So when I first walked into the mall, standing right there was Paul. I probably haven't mentioned Paul before, but he's a good friend of Michelle's. I usually don't like him all that much, but today he was so sweet to me! His face totally lit up when he saw me, and he gave me the hugest bear hug in the world (including the spinning me around), bought me a juice and was on this huge V-day kick about "sharing the love" and all that. It totally put a smile on my face. Later on when I'd gone off by myself to shop, I was looking through some racks outside of Buffalo when a really cute sales guy came up to me. We ended up having the most random conversation I've ever had with a guy in the mall. He made some comment on my juice being made with berries and how he loved berries, then we got into this really serious discussion about blended berries and how my drink was so "berrylicious". Then we started using "berrylicious" as having some sort of suggestive sexual meaning, like, "So you really like it when it's berrylicious, huh?", "Oh yeah, I love it when it's berrylicious". I was having such a hard time holding back my laughter. This went on for almost ten minutues, then we went our separate ways and that was that.

After that, I ran into this girl Courtney I used to play field hockey with that I haven't seen in probably 3 or 4 years. It was totally weird and we ended up talking for almost half and hour, and she gave me her e-mail address and also let me know that there's a women's team in Richmond which is so awesome. All this time I haven't been playing hockey thinking the only real women's league was SFU-Burnaby, when there's one right here! I will be so incredibly happy if I can play field hockey again. I think my life will be complete. Well, complete minus the whole boyfriend-soulmate thing.

So I talked to Courtney, then did the whole air-lift bra thing, picked up Shell from school and we went to dinner at White Spot. I helped her organize an outline for the in-class essay she's writing right now. After she's done we're going to meet up with Ellen and have an anti-Valentine's Day girl "thing". I don't know if I've ever mentioned Ellen before either, but Ellen is one of my most favourite people on this earth. If you think I'm bitter about guys, you would not be able to imagine Ellen in your wildest dreams. I think her mission in life is to hate men. I don't see her often (hence why I don't speak of her often), I just save occasions like these for her.

So it hasn't really been a bad Valentine's Day. I really wanted to e-mail Cody earlier this afternoon but I refrained, and I'm so glad I did. The more I stay away from him, the more he's going to wonder what the hell happened to me. It's all about making him come crawling back, and I know he will once his bitch dumps him. But by that time I intend on having lost a little weight, I'll be tan and my hair will be super pretty and I'll have a really cute boyfriend, and I'll take one look at him and I'll say, "Oh, hey". And he's gonna want me sooo bad...ah, and it'll be too late.

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