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no more drama pt.2
February 12, 2002 8:08 p.m.

I am seeking something wild and adventurous this weekend, and I hope I will not be disappointed. I just want something to happen - screw "no more drama", what drama? I haven't had drama in my life for a good month and a half and I miss my soap opera life. Yes, I'm crazy. Don't even ask. All of this not-talking-to-Cody business has really done its job, alright.

I found Letters Anon today and plan on sending one of my letters very soon. Just have to choose one. I think I have probably eight or nine lengthy letters to Cody saved in MS Word that I never sent. It would be interesting to actually read some of them over and realize yet again how entirely dependant I was on him.

I'm feeling nice so I will give everyone a little sneak peak at what our clique design is starting to look like right here. Pretty? I think so.

Krista's psuedo TV character (especially when she's drunk): Rachel on Undeclared.

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