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no more drama
February 12, 2002 12:27 p.m.

I didn't write yesterday because too much was going on. I studied the entire night before, went to school and totally bombed my Biology midterm which was to be expected. Then I handed in my English essay, came home, edited my Psych essay and studied for Psych like a mad woman while eating some soup before going back to school to hand in that essay, my assignments and take the Psych midterm. I think I did very well on that test though. I guess it's a trade off. You pass some, you fail some.

So I came home and should have felt relieved but I didn't really. I still have my History midterm tomorrow, and I'm kind of upset at how badly I know I did in Biology. So I got in my pajamas around 8 pm and watched TV thinking that would be relaxing, but then came a whole lot of pairs figure skating drama. Then Queer as Folk was another stupid episode. The last one sucked, and this one sucked. Not even Justin is worth watching that show if they're going to keep up with ultra-corny "We're gay and we're so proud!" episodes. QAF was used to be cool because it didn't do that...

Thursday and Friday are my "reading break", a whole two days off that is supposed to be equivalent to the real spring break everyone else in North America seems to get. Can I please have a reading break after all of my midterms and essays are due? Thanks for nothing. I suppose I can use the time to do other things I need to do. Like go shopping and get my highlights re-done. Important things like that.

I know that Anna wants to smoke up this Friday, but I don't know...I still have tests and in-class essays to write next week and I don't want to be all spaced out. But realistically, I shouldn't be that sketchy if I only do it Friday. Saturday I'm going dancing but I don't think I'll drink very much (famous last words). I really do want to party this weekend, and in the excitment of the moment I did already tell Anna I would. I have been stressed out really bad lately, and I think it'd be nice to have a totally brainless night with her. We haven't been to White Spot in sooo long, too. I love how I can always come up with reasons why it's okay to smoke pot.

Have to go to school, maybe I'll write more later when I should be studying for History.

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