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hugs for everyone
February 9, 2002 7:36 p.m.

I'm in such a gushy-mushy touchy-feely mood. If I had a boyfriend here I'd give him a big kiss right now. Hell, if I had anyone here right now, boy or girl, I'd give them a big kiss.

Last night I was lonely and dreading my homework, and felt as if all my friends were totally blowing me off. I called Shell and she semi-invited me to go to Studio 54 with her and bunch of other people, but then left really quick with "gotta go have a good night bye", so I felt a wee bit dissed. Shannon didn't even bother to call me when she went out to Purple Onion, but then again I did tell her earlier in the day I had a lot of work to do. Jess never called, Danny never called. I wasn't mad at anyone, just feeling...unloved.

Things turned around slightly when Anna called me out of nowhere just to tell me that her last exam is next Friday and she expects me to party with her Friday night. I definitely agreed because next weekend is my designated "have fun" weekend, after this upcoming week from hell is over. So I giggled with Anna for a while, and felt a little happier afterwards, realizing I hadn't spoken to Anna on the phone for probably a week a half, almost two weeks.

Today I actually got work done. I wrote my entire Psych essay, as shitty as it is, and I studied for my test too. I even went online to take the little interactive quizzes that are set up for the chapters I'm being tested on, and I did really well. So I then relaxed a little, danced around my room for a while, blasted some hip-hop CD's I'd been ignoring for the last couple weeks, and felt like myself again, more or less. Hello, dual personality.

Shell called and we talked for an hour and a half about everything, and we both started crying at one point saying how much we loved and missed each other, and that we couldn't wait for this week to be over. I don't feel as distanced from my friends anymore. I'll see them at church tomorrow night anyway, so I'm feeling better by the minute.

So I came online to check out the diaries I read, and read Samantha's diary. This entry was her newest one at the time, and I seriously almost cried when I read what she wrote about me. Aww man, I love my real-life friends, I love my online friends, I love everyone today. I wish Sam were here so I could give her a big hug.

So I might not have a boyfriend, so I'm stressed about school, so what? I have the greatest friends anyone could ever ask for. I have a different friend for everything. I have the ones I giggle and be stupid with, I have ones I can talk seriously with, I have party-girl friends, good-girl friends, friends from high school, friends from college, friends through work, friends online, friends I met through other friends. Friends who go to church, friends who are athiest, friends who are Jewish, or don't care to think about religion. I have my gay male friends, my macho male friends, my younger male friends who think they're so cool hanging out with a "college girl". Friends who smoke pot, friends who prefer to drink, friends that don't do either and just love to go dancing, friends who are single, who have boyfriends, who sleep around, and you know what? I have something in common with every single one of my friends.

This is where the dual, even multi, personality is a good thing. I have the ability to get along with almost everyone I know.

I just really love people today...mark this day in the history book.

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