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charm designs

I hate this time of the month.
February 7, 2002 9:48 a.m.

I'm crampy and PMS-y and trying to use those excuses for everything, and it's barely 10 in the morning. I really need to crack down on my schoolwork, but I just want to curl up in the fetal position and whine for another day or two. Midol has not started working yet and it's been over an hour. I feel like I'm going to die. Stupid bitch of a uterus. I think that I'm going to ask to be knocked out cold when it comes time to give birth.

I really want to get the clique up and running but I'm still waiting for the design. I know it takes a lot of skill and work to make a design but I'm getting a little impatient. Could be because I'm dying for an excuse to work on something other than my essays. Which is what I should be doing right now.

Sometimes when I felt really gross and was having cramps, Cody would let me lie on his couch and pout, and he'd make me tea and wrap me up in the "magic blanket". There was this one blanket that I really liked that we'd always use to cuddle with, and he told me once that it was magic and everytime he wrapped it around me really tight that it would make me feel better right away and I would stop crying. One time he even made me a little card before I came over to his house because he knew I wasn't feeling well, and he wrote I LOVE YOU on the front and inside were reasons why he loved me and why I should be happy. I think I still have it somewhere. I have everything he ever gave me, even the card from our one-month anniversary. Now I really feel like I'm going to die.

I wish I could write something really interesting today but I'm not in the best mood. I think I'll continue moping and cursing God for making me a woman not to mention taking away the one guy that fell in love with me, and leave it at that.

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