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school and food
February 6, 2002 4:35 p.m.

You know you've attended/applied to too many post-secondary institutions when: You can't remember which student number was/is for which school.

Today was fairly boring and routine. I wish I could get out tonight and do something exciting, but as you've already read five times in the last week, I have a lot of school work to do. This afternoon I exercised a little self-discipline and wrote out an entire schedule for today and tomorrow, down to the hour. I'm now in my "Relax and eat" hour, so I'm allowed to be on the computer. The schedule will be screwed up shortly when my dinner is ready during "Read history article, do RNC, start Psych essay" hours, but...oh well, who am I kidding. If I get a least a portion of my essay done I'll feel a little relieved.

On the radio today they reported that there was a "big walk-out" at my college today in protest of the raising of tuition fees, but I never saw any walk-out. I heard about it briefly yesterday from one girl, but I really think the media has made it out to be a bigger deal that it was. My classes were pretty regular sized, aside from maybe a few people missing from English, but I don't think that was walk-out induced, that was probably Jane Austen induced. Actually, I started reading Emma yesterday and I didn't think it was all that bad. Anyway, I thought it was funny how the news made it seem as if all college students in the Lower Mainland participated in this huge protest, when if anything my school seemed more crowded than usual today and I didn't even hear anyone talk about a so-called walk-out. The media must have pounced on the rumour and blown it way out of proportion due to all of the striking going on with the high schools. Just another education related issue to bitch about.

If this isn't ironic enough, my mom just came home from work and asked, "So did you do that big walk-out?". For God's sake...

I was watching Oprah a couple weeks ago and I've decided that I am an emotional eater. I'm not fat, but I eat so much. I'm hardly ever not eating. If I'm not eating, I'm thinking about what I wish I were eating. I just really love food. If you asked me what my favourite food was, there's no way I could tell you...I love everything. The reason I think I am an emotional eater is because I do eat all the time, and probably because of what I'm feeling. I eat when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm bored. I'm always making up excuses in my mind about why I'm allowed to eat when I'm not hungry - maybe because I think I "deserve" a treat because I achieved a goal, or I'd had a really bad day, or I was going to the gym the next day so it's okay if I have more calories. I suppose there isn't a chance I'll be anorexic, I just adore good food so much I don't think I could ever let it go. I get excited at restaurants because there is so much to decide from. I'm really establishing myself as a freak here, but the reason I say this is because I think I'll regret it all in about 5 years, when I start to gain weight and I'll never get it off. I'm just happily abusing my still firm and young body while I can...but is it really abuse? Why should I start restricting my diet now, wouldn't that be such a shame...I want to just eat eat eat while I still can without immediate consequences. I feel like some sort of freakish pig after saying all of this, but is true.

One advantage I see to it is this - you always hear guys saying that if they're taking a girl out, they'd rather her eat something real and not fuss about her weight than order a diet coke and salad, right? Well, I can guarantee you I am not one of those girls...

Shit, I'm already ten minutes over my scheduled "relax and eat" hour.

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