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wasting time
February 4, 2002 11:45 a.m.

Yes, I'm supposed to be in school right now. I didn't go to my classes this morning, which sucks because one was a review day for my Bio midterm next week. I could have really used that. But, what can you do. Compared with last semester I've probably been going to school 80% more, so I am trying very hard not to feel too guilty.

I still feel so...I don't know what. I am stressed about too many things. Lori called me twice already today, first demanding that she know why Anita, Jess and I called a staff meeting, and then again saying it was going to be tomorrow evening, so buh-bye Tuesday night studying. I'm so worried about UBC stuff and transcripts and grades and applications and I really feel like I am going to lose my mind. I'm just so anxious about everything. I'm about thisclose to quitting my job, which means I'll have zero income for the rest of the school year most likely. My upcoming tests and essays are making me want to cry, so I'm thisclose to withdrawing from Psych again. I don't know why I always think I can handle taking five courses plus work and every other thing in my life. Nothing is helping me de-stress. I just want everything I have to do right now to be over with.

Oh, and Shell called me last night really late, when I wanted to be going to bed. We ended up talking for quite a while about her weekend. I used to be about 90-99% sure that Danny was gay, but he was still pretty close-mouthed about it all and pretended he was straight all the time. After what I've heard happened this weekend, I'm 100% convinced he's flaming and at least starting to accept it. I don't know how he's going to work that all out with his religion but I really hope he does. Part of me is really happy that he's finally coming out, but then again I liked to think he had a little crush on me. That is so out of the picture now it isn't even funny. So much for marrying Danny.

Am I the only person here who didn't write about the Superbowl yesterday? I'm such a girl when it comes to football. I've probably been explained the rules over fifty times in my life, and I still don't get it. I just don't get it. It's the most confusing and boring game in the world for me to watch, and I don't think football players are hot either. Maybe it's because I've really never been exposed to football besides these big American television events, and briefly in gym class. The whole culture surrounding football is so foreign to me. I can't imagine tons of people going to football games in high school, I can't imagine my boyfriend watching football games with his friends and I can't imagine having a big party just for a football game. NHL playoffs, that makes more sense to me. I feel so...Canadian. Who'd want the Superbowl (Do you win a "superbowl"? You have no idea how stupid I feel right now) when you could have the Stanley Cup...

I'm really going to stop wasting time now and start doing something productive.

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