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mundane things
January 31, 2002 4:55 p.m.

Wow, people really loved my guestbook yesterday and today. I feel so special. Well, to make up for that really long, really deep and emotional entry from yesterday, I'll have to write something ridiculously shallow and dumb for today. Everything in moderation.

Dance class was awesome last night. I had so much fun, I didn't want it to end. It was a really good workout too, we did more rehearsing of full routines, so I was out of breath and totally sweaty by the time we were done.

I just spent the last hour applying for UBC online. Yes, it took me an hour. So much for application online being the newest improvement in technology. It took me forever, probably because I'm so paranoid about clicking every single thing right and making sure all of my credits are in there. Anyway, it finally went through (after telling me once I'd done it wrong and not submitted my major - when I had. I didn't see a single thing wrong with it, so I clicked "next" again - and it magically said I'd done it right that time). Then I paid right away with my mom's Visa (uh, maybe I should inform her of that sometime soon). So, here goes my third shot at post-secondary education. Why do I get the feeling I'll have attended eight different schools before I finally get my degree.

Actually, I've developed a rather strange attachment to Langara. I don't want to leave! I wish I could just take every class there, but I can't transfer more than 60 credits to my UBC degree anyway. I think a big part of why I love my school is its location in Vancouver. I'm so comfortable there. The people are my kind of people. UBC is beautiful, but so huge, so mainstream. It's the typical TV-ish university with the football team and cheerleaders, fraternities and sororities. In some ways I very much fit in to that crowd, but I just love my little ghetto college life so much I don't want to leave it behind. I'm not used to the whole snobby rich factor anymore, I'm used to students being totally broke, tired, leaving their babies in the daycare and meeting at the coffee shops on Main. I love east Vancouver, and none of my friends understand why. Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong suburb.

I feel sort of melancholy today. All of this school talk. And I didn't enjoy my ride home. The rain has melted a lot of the snow. Now the sides of the roads are lined with brown sludge, and the trees don't look as pretty anymore. The sky was really ugly this afternoon, dark gray in some areas and lighter gray in others, and then a little bit of grayish-blue sky trying to peek through, and it's been drizzling all day. It just felt completely dreary.

Oh, and I didn't sleep very well last night. I'm convinced that someone, or something, was in my backyard. I was in bed around midnight trying to read and I kept hearing these big crashing noises, plus the wind was being spooky and rustling the trees. I imagined someone trying to climb up the drainpipe to my window, but the sounds went away for a few minutes and I calmed down. Then out of nowhere there was a massive crash, as if someone had opened our gate and then slammed it as hard as they possibly could. It was so loud it made me jump, and I ran to my parents room and told my dad there were noises outside. He went outside and looked around and said there was nothing, and that him and my mom hadn't heard anything, and maybe it was just snow melting off of the trees. I said it sounded more like someone chucking a 100 lb block of ice from our roof, but if he said so. Then I started thinking of a conversation I'd had with someone yesterday about the ghost I was seeing in my car, and my imagination started running wild thinking the ghost was following me to my house.

So I was laying in the dark thinking about this and trying to put it out of my mind when out of nowhere my dog went nuts. My dog hardly ever barks inside the house, but he started barking like crazy, and not just random barking like he does outside, but the kind like when he sees someone he doesn't know at the door kind of barking. He started off by growling really loud, and it totally freaked me out. I could hear my dad get up again...or at least I think he did. I swear I could hear things moving, or someone moving somewhere around my door, but I didn't hear the door open or close. The dog was quiet for maybe five minutes, and came up the stairs. Then he started barking like crazy again, right in front of my door. I thought I was going to cry I was so scared.

People always say that animals can sense presences that people can't, and I'm not so sure I believe it. I mean I don't see why a dog would be capable of seeing or feeling something I couldn't, what kind of sense does that make? I doubt my dog thinks of much beyond than food, sleep, chasing the cat. Of all creatures, why would he be given that sort of extra-sensory perception. I don't know. But it scared me nonetheless.

I feel like I've just been babbling for this entire entry so I'll shut up now. I haven't talked much at all today. Maybe there's a reason for that.

One more thing. For Lent I've decided to give up drinking pop, in particular Coke. Trust me, that will be a very big challenge.

Last thing, I swear - it's Day 31 having no contact with Cody. Not once, in no way, shape or form. That's a full month in the fullest way a month can be. 31 Days. I'm sorry but I'm really fucking proud of myself.

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