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MC won't you sing it for me....
January 25, 2002 3:31 p.m.

I was interviewed! Y'all better go read it. My haiku at the end may have been translated into one single line, even though I meant for it to be three. I feel the need to clarify that I do know what a haiku is. I'm not that inept when it comes to poetry.

More evidence that I am superwoman - here I am, bouncing around to music and considering going dancing tonight when I got about two hours of sleep last night. I really thought I could have died this morning. It was literally painful to get out of bed. But now I've pumped myself full of coffee and sugar and I'm ready to go again.

What else is new in my boring life? I skipped Biology today and bought new dance pants for my class. I had a really old pair from forever ago, but sadly they've become a little tight on me. If you've never worn a pair of jazz pants you really should, just for the experience. Who cares if you're not a dancer? They're the most comfortable pants in the world. They're just black lycra with a flare at the bottom. I think I could live in them, they're so soft.

I'm a little annoyed because Shell and I had tentative plans to go to Wett Bar for hip-hop night, but now she wants Danny to come. Not that I wouldn't love if he came, it'd be awesome, but he doesn't have ID. She keeps calling me begging me to ask Jordan if I can borrow his ID for Danny, but I feel bad asking Jordan. I haven't even spoken to Jordan since New Years. Then Shell says, "Well the only reason I really want to go to Wett Bar is so that I can take Danny clubbing, he's never been there before". Okay much for wanting to go with me. I think I'm going to lie to her and tell her Jordan said no (which I suspect he would anyway, why wouldn't he want his driver's liscence on a Friday night?). It'd be easy enough to say he's taking Megan out tonight.

All of a sudden I've lost my energy.

It's this Mariah Carey CD, Butterfly. I haven't listened to it in a very long time, but I found it today in my car and put it in, and remembered how much I love it. I love it. Makes me want to lay around with someone talking the night away.

I think the whole two hours of sleep thing just caught up with me. I'm starting to majorly crash.

Tiredness and Mariah Carey's "Breakdown" combined with soft strechy pants...oh God, I think I'm going to fall asleep.

While on the topic of "Breakdown", let me write out some of the lyrics. Can you see why I love this song?

You called yesterday to basically say
That you care for me, but
That you're just not in love
Immediately, I pretended to be
Feeling similarly
And led you to believe I was OK
To just walk away from the one thing
That's unyielding and sacred to me

Well, I guess I'm trying to be
Nonchalant about it
And I'm going to extremes
To prove I'm fine without you
But in reality I'm
Slowly losing my mind
Underneath the guise of a smile
Gradually, I'm dying inside
Friends ask me how I feel
And I lie convincingly
'Cause I don't want to reveal
The fact that I'm suffering
So, I wear my disguise
'Til I go home at night
And turn down all the lights
And then I breakdown and cry

So, what do you do
When somebody you're so devoted to
Suddenly just stops loving you
And it seems they haven't got a clue
Of the pain that rejection
Is putting you through
Do you cling to your pride
And sing "I Will Survive"
Do you lash out and say
"How dare you leave this way"
Do you hold on in vain
As they just slip away...

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