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dream log #1
January 12, 2002 3:50 p.m.

(for dream-log purposes)

I was at a party at Rhonda's house and heard that Cody and Caroline might be showing up. I was really nervous and I can't remember what I was doing, but I think I was just running around the house asking people if he had come or not, or something. Anyway I forget most of the dream, except for these parts: the two of them walked by me and it was my first time seeing Caroline, and she was this overweight chick with stringy dirty blonde hair. She wasn't very pretty at all and after they left the room, I was bouncing up and down screaming, "YES! Yes! She's so ugly! I am so much prettier than her!! HAHAHAHHA!". I was so overjoyed that I was hotter than she was. I found Cody again and told him I wanted to talk to him, and he said later and went off with Caroline again - but I didn't get upset, I just did my own thing for the next little while. When they were getting ready to leave, I asked him if I could talk to him again, and Caroline told him to go talk to me. Him and I went to sit down on a couch in the living room, and I sort of forget what happened but he got up really quickly and said he didn't want to talk to me. I started to cry really hard then, and let him go off with her. When they were walking outside I could hear them through the window, and Caroline was really upset with him and was saying, "You know she still loves you, bla bla bla"...she was defending me. She was totally on my side and felt bad for me, and was trying to encourage him to talk to me!

I woke up from that dream really happy, and it's only now (a couple of hours later) that I'm remembering that she actually isn't ugly. Okay I have never seen her, but I've overheard about two thousand conversations between the guys and they've all said she's "super hot" and what not. I don't even want to think about it. I really, really wish she were fat and ugly.

I also wish she'd tell Cody to talk to me, but that's probably more of a figment of my imagination than her being ugly is.

I almost died laughing when I did this test today:

Take This Test

Just what I need for the self-esteem.

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