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here's why you create your own prison
December 30, 2001 1:07 p.m.

Everyone has a soul that will stay with you for eternity, your soul can and will be reincarnated, and there is a sort of invisible psychological spectrum from "Heaven" and "Hell" on which you either rise or fall on. Those are three things you have to accept before moving along with this theory.

You're born with a soul that is meant to be able to rise as high on the spectrum as possible, as close to God as you can get. This is where free will comes in. While on Earth you're capable of making your own decisions, and whether your decisions are healthy or unhealthy for you will determine how your life is going to be. There are millions of different obstacles people face every day, and undoubtedly, everyone will come across a tough situation at least once in their lives. If you can overcome the major obstacle in your life, then when you die, your soul will be reincarnated again, and this time it will be easier to cope with the situation and you'll lead a happier life. You have risen to a higher level, closer to Heaven and God. With every time you're reincarnated and are capable of choosing the right path, you're only going to rise to higher levels of happiness.

If you hang on to the past, or cannot get through a really rough time in your life - especially if you give up - you're not going to rise. You'll only be faced with the same Hell over and over again, until you learn from your mistakes in your past lives and you find the strength to choose the right path. This is where my theory on suicide comes in. When you're suicidal, you just want to leave this Earth. You want to die so that you can't feel the pain anymore, and you think you'll be so happy if you can just escape it once and for all. But I think the truth of the matter is, you're not going to escape a damn thing. You're only going to be put back on this Earth to be continually tortured by the depression, until you finally realize that you can't just find an escape route and expect to be home free. Your actions do have consequences - every, single action you take.

People who are happy, content, mature, lead fulfilling lives and see the positive side to everything - I think they are the old souls. They're the ones who have been through so many obstacles over and over that they're at a higher level on the spectrum, they understand how to handle hardships. People who are constantly depressed, always feeling unsatisfied, are criminals, or don't have faith, I think they're the new souls, the ones that haven't experienced enough of life on Earth to have realized their full potential yet, and that they have so much free will to make themselves better people it's unbelievable. If you suffer through a really rough depression for a long while (like I did), I think it's safe to assume that in your past life, you probably failed to completely overcome that obstacle. Maybe you even killed yourself. At some point in time, I came up with this idea, and I stopped hurting myself, I didn't want to have suicidal thoughts anymore - I didn't want to die in that way, because I knew I wouldn't be escaping anything. I realized, I'm being given a clear choice here, and it's so obvious that I'm heading in the wrong direction. More than anything, I wanted to break the cycle.

Here's the tricky part. I do believe in a somewhat physical Heaven, a place that's seperate from the Earth. However, not everyone goes there. I think that to get into that Heaven you have to be chosen by God, for whatever his reason. Maybe the people who have risen so high that they're almost God-like, they enter Heaven as angels. I'm not really sure about all of that. But I do think most people are reincarnated over and over, to learn from their mistakes and reach that sort of "self-actualization" level. The holiest and most fulfilled you can become as a human being.

So I believe that Heaven and Hell are largely psychological states. If you're in Heaven, you're happy and you understand and accept the ways of God and your life. I've said before that I think that no disease is as awful as depression, and I still believe that. Depression is Hell. When you're in Hell, you're alone and you're scared. When you realize you're in charge of your own feelings and that you have all the potential in the world to be an amazing person, you're "seeing the light" - a little light from the higher side of the spectrum, perhaps?

You can go to Hell, but I'm not talking about the old medieval image of the burning-lake-of-fire-run-by-Satan sort of Hell. I think Hell exists on Earth, everywhere you turn. It's just a matter of having the strength to fight that sort of evil to lead a happier life.

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