about me
charm designs

a night at the mirage
December 28, 2001 1:38 p.m.

So, here we are, at my new and improved (and not quite finished) diary. This is going to be a long entry so bare with me.

Something I'm still working on is fixing the guestbook to at least match the colours of the page, but I've lost my password to log-in, so...that's a small problem. The bigger problem is that my guestbook account is under my old e-mail address, so when I ask them to send me my password, I'm not going to get it because Excite has gone to hell. I e-mailed them my problem a couple days ago and begged them to send me my password to my Hotmail address, but they've yet to respond. So until then, guestbook cannot be dealt with. I'm also trying to change the colour of the text when I link from gray to a pink that matches. And, I decided to start actually titling each entry again.

This is my attempt at starting a "new" diary without actually changing my diary.

This new layout would not exist if it weren't for Samantha. I made the graphics and she advised me and did all the confusing HTML stuff with them to create what you see now. Of course, I had a say in it, and we argued (ahem, good-naturedly of course) over MSN for a long while, but this is the end result and it's largely due to the fantastic, beautiful and amazingly wonderful Sam. Please check her out and give her some guestbook love (I mean it! I want to see lots of hugs and kisses!). She's also here and here, and she runs the site I review for, which is here, so you can leave her a note there too! While you're at it, you may as well apply for a review by us because we're the coolest girls on earth.

Okay, on with the actual entry.

I had a great time last night. Kate's home from school and we've been going out dancing a lot lately. So last night she called me around 7 and asked if I wanted to go to Roosters, which is a very VERY cool country western club, that plays country music probably 80% of the time and some hip-hop and Top 40 for the rest. It's super fun, and possibly the busiest club in the entire Vancouver area. If you're not there by 8 (and that's early for a clubbing night), you won't get in - on any day of the week. So she calls me at 7 and I say, "yeah sure" and we both get all excited because her and I together make an awesome clubbing team. Then she says, "Okay, we're driving over to Ryan's in New West, we have to be there at 7:45 so I'm coming in 15 minutes". There was really no way either of us were going to be ready in 15 minutes, so it was past 7:30 by the time we finally left, and still felt rushed and icky. We got to New West really fast, and then had to pick up Chris who lives further into Coquitlam and then finally got to Pitt Meadows, where it was obviously too late to get in unless we wanted to wait a good three hours in line or more.

We all went to the Mirage in Surrey instead, which is an actual club that has a dress code on most nights. But we went anyway, and even though Kate and I felt sort of gross (and every girl in there besides us was skanked out to the max) we had an awesome time. It always feels so good to

This is what made my night so great: I really, honestly did not look good, Kate and I were both dressed down - I was wearing black pants and a little t-shirt thing and my Etnies, and my hair was in a ponytail, and I was hardly wearing any makeup at all. Nevertheless, I met this super hot guy named Chris, and him and I danced together for at least an hour or so. He was so good looking (and built - his chest and abs were so hard) and he complimented me the entire night! That made me feel so, so good because I know I could have looked so much this super hot guy who was really sweet thought I was hot when I wasn't even trying to be. Every five mintues he'd say "You're sooo cute", "You're so adorable", "You're so beautiful", "You're such a good dancer", "You're so huggable" ego was (is still) totally going through the roof. He must have told me I was cute at least 25 times. He was just so...sweet! Running his fingers through my hair and kissing my forehead. We took a break for a few mintues and he bought me a water (I'm a big party girl, I know) and the whole time he had his arms wrapped around me and he kept saying things like, "I think I could cuddle you forever, you're so cute" and all these other cheesy lines that I totally go for because I'm just so like that. I'm a princess, remember? I appreciate being put on the pedestal sometimes.

So he was about 6' (no wonder he thought I was "cute", I'm only 5'3"!) and get this...Italian Catholic. I could barely hear him when we were dancing, but I think he said he worked as a bouncer there. So we exchanged numbers. So...should I call him? I don't know. First of all, I don't even know how old he is, and he never asked me either. If I were to guess I'd say 21 or 22. If he were to guess my age I bet he'd say 16 because last night, I looked about that. He lives in White Rock, which is a little far from me. And...I don't know. I'm scared of boys, I really am. I'm cool with just dancing with them and hooking up, but I'm so scared of actually getting to know another boy one-on-one like that, out of a club situation. I don't know what's wrong with me. I guess because one broke my heart so badly I'm just so afraid of getting attached again. But then I'm thinking, what if I'm totally missing out? Maybe this could turn into something...maybe we were meant to meet last night...he already thinks I'm some sort of Goddess, and that's a requirement on my boyfriend list, haha.

Well, I don't know what to do about it. I'm too chicken shit to even call Kevin, who I know from high school, let alone some random guy I danced with in Surrey one night.

So that was my fun night. Tonight Kate and I are going to the Ozone, because we're clubbing-dancing freaks.

Didn't I write sometime this year how it seems like I get more guys when I dress down and think I look bad? I remember I wrote about a day at school when I was wearing sweats and a baseball hat and so many guys were looking at me. Last night is another piece of evidence that suggests that either I personally look better when I'm in "cute mode", or that guys really don't like girls who wear makeup and dress up all fake. Last night, I was just totally being myself, I wasn't even looking to dance with a guy. I was content just dancing with myself and my friends - and I got more attention that I normally do. And earlier in the night I was hanging around this pool table where these sleazy guys were trying to convince me that Ryan had left and told them to take me home with them...I was totally disgusted but like, that has never happened before.

I'm thinking I should wear my hair in a ponytail and dance in my Etnies every night.

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