about me
charm designs

pick one
December 26, 2001 10:49 p.m.

With my new Gold membership, I get 10,000 free banners. Bwhahaha. So incidentally, at every free chance I had today, I made banners. Dear brother helped me download Fireworks so that I could play around with it. Who knew making banners could be so much fun?

I went nuts and made a lot of them, and now I can't decide which one I like. I'm not sure if I can change my banner at any time or if it's a "here's 10,000 banners, no refunds" sort of deal. If that is the case, I need some serious help choosing. So I'm going to use my new uploading skills to put my six favourite (of today...hehe) on here - please please please tell me which one you like the best - or if all of them suck and you're offering to make one for me!

Before you diss me, keep in mind my lack of computer skills.

Comments, questions, suggestions? Tell me here. Thanks!

Happy Boxing Day, by the way.

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