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twisted dreams
December 14, 2001 10:07 a.m.

It's only ten in the morning and already my day is fucking up.

First of all, I shall make it known that Vancouver is experiencing a crazy wind storm. I've never seen anything like it. I slept for about two hours total last night because the wind was so loud, shaking the gutters around. It sounded as if my windows were going to break. I almost took my blankets and pillow into my parents room like I was four again to sleep in there because it's always quieter in their room, but I was too damn lazy to get out of bed and do that. So around 4:15 a.m. I made earplugs out of Kleenex and wrapped another pillow around my head, which helped a little but not much.

During the two hours I was sleeping I had a rather sick and twisted satanic dream, and I have to write it down now before I forget it. This is officially the first time I've had a dream like this.

I was in a building with three small children, between the ages of 2 and 6 probably. One was my own, and two weren't, I don't know where they were from but I guess I was taking care of them. The building was an old store of some kind, that was abandoned, like all dusty and dark and scary, haunted-house type stuff. For some reason I thought the place was "really cool" and wanted to explore it some more, so we went down to the basement. In the basement, it was super creepy, if you've ever seen Thirteen Ghosts, well it looked like the basement did in that movie but without the ghost-glasses on. As soon as we got down there I felt like something was wrong, as if I were in the presence of something evil. It was pitch black, no windows. One of the little girls said, "I don't want to be down here" and I said, "Okay, let's go back up". We turned our backs to the room, and all of a sudden, the room lit up in Christmas lights and started playing this eerie rendition of "Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel", and the lights were blinking in rhythm with the song. The lights were red, white and green, and started blinking faster and faster, and then they all turned red. As soon as they turned red I started screaming, "We have to get out! They're locking us in!" and the children and I ran up the stairs. The door was already locked and we couldn't get out, and the music was getting louder and louder. We built a fire in the corner of the room and I told the kids to sit around it and fan it with these sitting mat things. I can't really explain what happened next but we started chanting something in unison, something like, "We are not afraid". I could hear the evil spirits escaping (don't know where from, they were just...escaping) and walking towards us. I wasn't really scared though, I was more like...mesmerized by the fire. It was like something had control over our minds. I kept inching closer and closer to the fire, and my mind was telling me, you're going to get burned, but I wasn't listening. I started putting my hands in the fire and the children were screaming but I could hardly hear them, it was as if they were in the distance. Down from the stairs, two things came towards us. One was some sort of ghost, like the typical old-fashioned looking woman in a flowing white dress sort of thing, but with a really evil looking face, and the other one was a demon. I can't describe it, it was just...a demon of some kind. It was probably the same height as me, with the horns and gnarled face and everything. They were standing on the outskirts of our circle, trying to get inside but our chanting was warding them off. The little boy with me grabbed my hands out of the fire and we all held hands in a circle so the evilness couldn't get in. But I broke the circle. I wanted to see what exactly the demon looked like, so I stopped the chanting and turned my eyes away from the fire. I looked over my left shoulder to see where he was and his face was right there and we looked into each others eyes. I screamed and he grabbed me and ripped my shirt off, so I was topless (guess I wasn't wearing a bra?). He threw some sort of weapon at me, it was like a elongated sledge hammer. He had one too, and we were suppposed to fight each other with them, but it was so heavy I could barely swing it. Everytime he took a swing at me I just raised mine in the air to block his, I was so scared and I kept backing up, so eventually he had me stuck in a corner. Right then, the little boy with me threw something at him, and he turned around and smashed the little boy in the head and he went flying somewhere, and I screamed and took a swing at the back of the demon's head and hurt him. I knew he was going to kill me in a second so I just started crying and tried to curl up in a ball and protect my head but he turned around and smashed me back, and I felt the back of my head was bleeding and I fell forward into the fire. I was just laying there, being burned, and "Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel" was still playing and the kids were screaming and there was all this evil laughter. I lifted myself up a bit for a moment and looked down at my breasts, and I was completely on fire, and I looked up at the roof and said aloud, "Make it stop".

I really hope this isn't a sign that I'm going to Hell.

Okay, so I got out of bed late, had way too long a shower, was already late for work and realized that because of the wind storm, half the lights in my area were out. So traffic was brutal. It took forever just to get through one big intersection. I finally got to work, and the entire facility was closed because the power was out there, too. So now I don't have to go back in until 1, and that's if they've fixed the power.

Trees are down everywhere, or if they're not down they're bent out of shape. It's quite funny looking. Garbage is blown all over the roads. My dog was afraid to go outside because things were flying around the backyard, so I had to walk out with him while he went pee and then run back inside with him. I tried to call my supervisor from the car when I realized the power was out because I didn't know if I should stick around or not, and my cell phone wasn't working, it kept reading "call was lost". While I was sitting in the car trying to make the call, the car was swaying a little, which totally freaked me out. I could feel the wind while I was driving, veering the car over to the left. Is this a hurricane? What the hell is going on?

I'll write more later, if I haven't been blown away.

I keep wasting the rest of my black and white roll of film on my cat.

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