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jess talk, boy talk
December 9, 2001 12:31 a.m.

Okay. So I've calmed down since yesterday, mostly because I've forced myself to conveniently forget about you-know-who. And I'm drunk right now, but not a bad sort of drunk, not a depressed sort of drunk. Just buzzed in a happy way. In a forget your ex and get a new guy kind of way. It's quite nice. So keep the alcohol content in mind when reading this because I'm probably going to sound like a shallow dumbass.

So Shell and I are dying to take Jess out with us. I absolutely love Jessica. This is the thing about her - she's beautiful, super funny and has an amazing personality, but has never had a boyfriend. She's never even been kissed! Or at least not a real kiss. Not a boyfriend sort of kiss. You know what I mean.

I've always told Shell that Jess would be so great to go out with sometime, if I could just get her to come. I hung out with my good-girl friends tonight (and I'm still drunk, how'd that happen?) and Jess said maybe. It did look a little hopeful though. It's not like we're taking her out for a seriously wild night or anything, we figure Jess is so innocent that we really need to break her in first. We don't even want to introduce her to Anna right off because Anna is just too damn intimidating.

So I'm really hoping she'll agree to hang out with us tomorrow. We'll probably just end up ripped somewhere and laughing our asses off, which is cool by me because I've been so angry for the last couple days. I need to have one of those brainless sort of nights.

This is getting to be a problem. I thought I wasn't going to smoke up anymore, or very rarely, but now I'm getting into the "Oh my god, we have to smoke as much pot as we can before school starts again!" sort of syndrome. Plus, things lately have led me to miss the way things were in the summer, with Lindsey seems like every second conversation I have with Shell or Anna leads to "Remember in the summer, when...". Blah.

Blake and I went to a cute little shop on Main and Broadway yesterday, where I bought Shell the most beautiful rosary...the beads are sparkly red and look just like rubies. I keep taking it out of the box and playing with it because it's so pretty. Blake also bought me a book on Catholicism, which he surprised me with in the car. That was so sweet of him. I love that boy. I mean, not in that way (at all), he's just so kind-hearted. And because I'm not going to St. Paul's tomorrow night I am going to St. Joe's with him in the afternoon instead. Catholic boys are so great. But, he's white.

I decided to lift my standards (after what, a day?) from non-white to allowing maybe half white, maybe three quarters white. As long as there is something else in there. I told Anita all about my plan this afternoon and she totally agreed, and said she could see me with a black guy. Hmmmm.

This may sound weird to other people, but it is hard to find guys of african or hispanic ethnicity where I live. I mean, not impossible but it's not very common. I think I have known two or three black people in my entire life. Less than four black people that I can think of went to my high school...during the entire five years I was there.

Where do boys hang out? I mean really. Where do you go to find single boys?

I know I sound really desperate, but I am, if I don't have a boy to kiss me at the stroke of midnight on New Years I am going to get very pouty.

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