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latino fixiation
December 6, 2001 9:06 p.m.

Shell calls me up today and says, "Hey. You're the only one of my friends I'm not completely annoyed with right now, so do you wanna go out for dinner?"

So I said, "Well, I have a final tomorrow morning, but why the hell not?"

It was a grand night. We decided the theme would be "different". This means we do not go to Milestones or White Spot completely scrubbed out looking like tired yucky college girls, because that would be way too predictable. So did ourselves up all pretty, and each of us wore something out of our wardrobes that we hadn't worn in at least 6 months. Different. And we went to a higher class, more expensive place instead. Different.

A lot of new ideas were discussed. Serious consideration is being put into changing the Bitter Ex's Club into something else. We're both a little tired of being bitter and resentful all the time, and want to turn our anger into something productive, and so it may very well have to be the Find a Goddamned Boyfriend Club instead. We talked about guys the entire night, and mapped out exactly what each of us want in our new boyfriends, and how we were going to execute the plan.

Now I'm fantasizing way too eagerly about the perfect Hispanic Catholic boy who's going to fall madly and obsessively in love with me and treat me like the Goddess I am. This is another reason I want to go to California - different boys. Nicer ones that respect and love women.

I have this major problem when it comes to guys. With my body type, I almost always attract coloured guys - black, brown, filipino, hispanic. Coloured guys go crazy over me. But I like white guys! I can never get a white guy who has the same cultural respect as a hispanic guy, or who appreciates me as much. I can't get away from attracting the kind of guy that I personally am not as physically attracted to. This theory has been proven, by the way. Mexico was a perfect example.

Shannon and I versus Mexican guys and American tourists. I wish I had comparable pictures to demonstrate the difference between Shannon and I, but you can go from my description. I'm small, 5'3" with a tiny waist but curvy elsewhere - I have the hips and ass. Shannon on the other hand is really thin. She's really pretty, but in my eyes, plain-pretty. She doesn't have a figure, but white guys here think she's the hottest girl to ever walk.

Her and I have similar tastes in guys, which never works in my favour. When we were in Mexico, we met an American guy named Ryan (Cali-American...mmm hmmm). I still believe he is one of the most gorgeous guys I have ever seen, but of course it was Shannon he hooked up with. On the other hand, all the Mexican guys working there thought I was the shit. I was so depressed over Ryan and Shannon, but Megan kept saying, "Hello? Have you not noticed that everyone here is obsessed with you? Who's always getting whistled at? Who was asked to be in the bikini contest? Not Every guy here except dumb Ryan thinks you're hot".

I'd been considering trying a guy who wasn't white for once, but hadn't expressed it to anyone really. Then tonight in the car, before we even got to the restaurant, Shell goes, "You know Krista, I think you need a guy who isn't white".

So this is my new plan. Operation find a guy who isn't the typical kind of guy I go for.

I'm getting quite serious about this semester abroad thing. I really think I could handle a few months out of my life in LA. I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't know of very many universities in California, haven't taken the SAT, don't even know if I'm good enough to get into one of those schools...I really don't know anything about anything. How much do American schools cost? That might be an issue with my parents...not to mention the fact I'd be several hundred (thousand?) miles away from my paranoid mother who'd be completely spazzy about me leaving again. And this time it's a little further than SFU. This is a different country.

Why is ER a re-run? This makes things even more difficult for me. If it were new, I'd have a good excuse for not studying for my English final tomorrow. But it's a re-run. Of course I will still watch it, but I don't need to anymore....

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