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harassment at work
November 28, 2001 9:48 p.m.

This is going to be short and sweet because I still have two chapters of a textbook to read before my test tomorrow. Why am I so stupid? Next semester I am going to concentrate on school. I really will.

I went to the drugstore this afternoon to take Shell's negatives in to get copied, and while there bought hair dye, a new eyeliner, and Cosmo, because I couldn't resist the cover. What sexually frustrated young woman couldn't?

99 Things To Do to a Naked Man (Just Wait Til You Try #43 - He'll Thank God He's A Guy),
Sexy Holiday Looks: Warning: It Won't Be a Silent Night
"Whoops, I Forgot My Panties!" and More No-Brainer Lines.

Awww, man.

Anyway, the hair-dye thing was a splurge because I never, ever do my own hair, I only get it done at the salon (Wow, I really am a snobby bitch aren't I?). But the bleached part of my hair at the front was pissing me off this morning so I thought, what the hell, I'll just buy a $5 box and do the little bit in the front. It sort of worked. It went a little more ash-blonde than I wanted it to, so it's a little duller, grayer, greener (uugh) than the rest of my hair, but I guess I shouldn't have expected much. I'll wear a hat tomorrow.

I was rather terrified at work tonight. It was really dead, and so I was tagging things (well, sticker-ing) and putting them on the wall. My back was facing away from the entrance, so I didn't notice when this man in probably his 40s came in. I turned around and almost jumped out of my skin because he was standing about 2 feet away from my ass, and staring at me. He just looked at me for a minute, not speaking. So I said, "Is there anything I can help you with?" and he said, "I thought you were hiring?". I don't know why he thought we weren't anymore, and it had nothing to do with anything, but I said, "Yeah, we still are..." and he was like, "Oh yeah. So what's your name?"

Ahh. Rule number one I learned from work like a year ago - do not give out your name to anyone. Duh, that is like what you teach a three year old, don't tell strangers your name. We don't even wear name tags because Holly used to have a problem with guys harassing her, calling the store up, asking for her by name and pretending to know her. But, being the beautiful and yet so naive girl that I am, of course I said, "Uuugghhh...ummm...Krista?". He leaned across the counter, closer to me and said, "Krista? That's a really pretty name, really pretty, did your parents give you that name?" and I said, "Uh...yeah" (who the hell else would name me?). For the next ten minutes he kept asking me questions, like, How do you like this job? How much are you getting paid? How long have you worked here? Do you live in [my hometown]? How old are you? Where are you going to school? What are you majoring in?

So I was entirely freaked out, I mean I was actually shaking and felt as if my heart was in my throat. He finally left saying, "Well it was nice to meet you Krista...Krista...I hope to see you soon..."

So I called my supervisor at home and said, "Ohmygodthisdirtycreepyguycameinandwasaskingmestuffandahhhhhh!" and she was just like, "Why didn't you call security?" and I was like, "I DON'T KNOW!". I think this all goes to show how vulnerable females really are. I mean, not to say that females are weak and unable to stand up for themselves but, well...yeah. I usually consider myself to be pretty headstrong and capable of telling people to fuck off if need be, but there was something about this situation that made me just shrink. I felt about 2 inches tall, and that really scares me. No wonder I've been taken advantage of by guys - I'm too damn wimpy when it comes to men hitting on me.

I have zero knowledge about Mexican food and have never actually eaten at a Mexican restaurant, because I'm from Canada (if there were ever a stereotype, I think that was it), but anyway, what in God's name does "quesadilla" mean? Tonight I bought a bag of Tostitos chips that are "Spicy Quesadilla". They were really good, but aren't quesadillas those tortillas folded over with stuff inside of them? How can a chip taste like a quesadilla? Unless it was meant to insinuate they were cheesy, but do all quesadillas have cheese in them? Can't you get quesadillas with different things in them, like vegetables and what not? Or does quesadilla mean cheese? I can't imagine it does because cheese en francais is fromage, and Spanish and French are very closely related. I was quite puzzled by this and stood in front of the vending machine for a good minute or so thinking "Quesadilla? Cheese? Peppers? What?".

I think smoking pot has left me permanently brain damaged, by the way.

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