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would-be anniversary pt. 1
November 17, 2001 2:37 a.m.

Holy shit, it is November 17 now and I did not even realize it until I wrote that date above. Happy fucken ex-3-year-anniversary, Cody you fuck.

It is three in the morning on November 17, our anniversary, and here I am drunk as shit. Michelle and I just attended a UBC frat party, and it was the wildest night. I had so much fun. Honestly, I have never, ever seen as many gorgeous shirtless guys in one house in my entire life. It was so amazing. If you ever want to see the hottest frat in the world, see Kappa Sigma at UBC in Vancouver. Goodbye Cody, hello college boys.

This was all a good self-esteem boost. Not only was in the presence of hot frat guys...they loved me. I felt like the hottest girl there, and in the presence of hot guys, it all made me feel as if I were part of the beautiful-person world. Basically, it made me feel as if I were on an American TV show, or you know, MTV or something.

I'm way too drunk to continue this, this all has taken me almost half an hour because I cannot get through a three-letter-word without at least one typo.

So I need to sleep. I'll write more rationally about the night tomorrow. Or today, whatever.

Anniversary? What anniversary...

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