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charm designs

cocky ass bitch
November 5, 2001 10:06 p.m.

I should have taken up photography. I suppose I still could, there's nothing stopping me really. Dad went to college for photography when he was my age, mind you that only lasted a year. He's still into it though, and knows a lot about it. I love taking pictures, and of totally random situations (like those pictures I took while walking down the street a couple weeks ago). I bought a roll of black and white film today, which I am very, very excited to use. It's taking all the willpower in the world to refrain from wasting pictures on stupid things, mainly my cat.

I'm not one of those photographers who takes lots of pictures of nature - I love taking pictures of people. I'm obsessed with peoples faces, really. I have a whole roll from a camping trip I went on with a bunch of friends in the summer where one night I took close up pictures of each of my friends, just while they were laughing, talking, drinking, smoking. They are the greatest pictures ever. So I'm hoping to get some similar ones with my black and white film, which will look so amazing. Different group of friends, too - my UVic friends (that means you Kim! You will be a victim to the camera, bwahahaha).

I'm so exhausted. I have a feeling I am going to bomb both of my tests on Thursday, just because I am not finding the energy to really sit down and study hard. The Biology material is actually difficult and I truly do not understand half of it. I need help, and I am way too proud to ask for it. Damn the system. I do not care about the electron transport chain, I am an English Lit major, people. I am only taking Biology so I can fulfill 6 science credits. Arrgh.

New episodes of Boston Public and Ally were on tonight, and both were very great. Two hours of TV that could have been spent on the electron transport chain. How's this - I have been writing electron transport train instead of chain and was about to complete this entry, until I decided to edit one last time and thought, Hmm, somehow that doesn't sound right. This all proves I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about. I probably would have wrote "electron transport train" on my test if I hadn't have caught that. I feel like such a dork.

On a cocky sidenote, in my first class today, Lauren complimented me on my outfit, in my second class Mark said my hair looked nice, and in my last class Cynthia admired my nails, again. I'm so hot.

This attitude is a sign I am seeing too much of Anna.

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