about me
charm designs

he's every fear, every hope, every single sin
October 18, 2001 9:45 p.m.

I was stuck in traffic (again) this morning on the way to school at 8:00 am. It was dark, gloomy, pouring rain, my windows kept fogging up and my car is so cool that you cannot defrost the windows and still maintain heat, so I was either freezing to death or incapable of seeing, so I was trying to alternate between the two. I finally got into Vancouver and was feeling like crap and considering pulling a Jess and turning around...but then Jann came on the radio.

Jann Arden was live on the radio station I listen to, and she was just as cute and hilarious as she always is. And, she sang "Could I Be Your Girl" live for them, which is one of my favourite Jann songs (Top 3). So that put a huge smile on my face. I wanted to turn around right then and go to radio station to meet her, which I'm sure I probably could have done. But I had a psychology midterm to attend to. School really gets in the way of things.

What makes "Could I Be Your Girl" even better than it already is, is that one of the women (Erin Wilde) on the station's morning crew loves that song too - a few years ago, when she still lived in Kamloops (interior BC) she called her guy friend who was living in North Vancouver at the time and sang the entire song to his answering machine. And now they're engaged and she's 6 months pregnant, and he still has the tape from the machine. Is that not the sweetest story in the world?

I am worthless sounds / Compared to all your perfect words / Could I be your girl?

Yay Jann.

I've done absolutely nothing tonight, and I mean that. After today, I just wanted a night of nothing. I watched Friends, and that just made me want sex (don't ask), then I watched Survivor which almost made me physically sick because they had to take shots of cow's blood. Repeatedly. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. When I think blood I think disease and genes and AIDS and just...not meant to be injested.

Around Survivor time, the house suddenly smelled like really, really burnt popcorn. So I went downstairs and said, "What smells like burning?". The sliding door to the kitchen was closed, so I opened it and smoke billowed out. My dad was in there trying to assemble a fan together, and all of the windows and doors were open. Naturally, I asked, "What happened?!", and my dad said very casually, "Oh, your mother just tried to blow up the microwave". Uh, okay.

Okay I have to finish this up quick because ER is on and I'm very excited because last week's ER was amazing. I have been a fan of ER since Day 1, and the episode last week - that was a Top 3.

I sound like such a television freak lately. I've even developed favourite commericials. My brain is probably decaying from all of the radioactive energy from the TV and computer.

Something you may have not known about me is that I sing a lot. To every song I'm listening to.

Just had a flashback of laying on the couch with Cody. He wasn't feeling well that day and was curled up to me, kind of the opposite of the way we usually cuddled, so that his head was on my chest, and his eyes were closed. And I was singing to him, and he asked me to sing "Angel of Mine" by Monica, which was one of our many songs. So I sang to him while he fell asleep, snuggled up to me under mountains of blankets.

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