about me
charm designs

so proud
October 17, 2001 12:01 p.m.

I apologize in advance for this being unnecessarily double-spaced, but I have no idea how to make it single-spaced. If anyone knows how, I would greatly appreciate the advice. Update: Nevermind! The oh-so-wonderful Holly left me a note in my guestbook and I fixed it :) THANK YOU!

(October 17, 2001)

Krista says: hey babe!
Cody says: hey
Cody says: just e mailing ppl
Krista says: i sent you an email last night...i couldn't sleep
Krista says: i just got home from school...I went to a psych tutorial that was a complete waste of time
Cody says: i know
Cody: i read it
Cody: i emailed u back
Krista says: u did?
Cody says: just short though cause i have to pay for this
Krista says: you don't have cable anymore??
Cody says: no
Cody says: u idiot
Cody says: i�m in argentina
Krista says: YOU'RE IN ARGENTINA?!?!?!?!
Krista says: what??
Krista says: that is so funny, in my email I was going to ask you, When are you going to Argentina?
Cody says: well
Cody says: i�m here
Krista says: you never told me you were going right now, last time I asked you, you said you didn't know when
Krista says: that is so cool! I hope you are being very careful
Krista says: I am so proud of u :*)
Cody says: i�m not proud
Cody says: i�m fucken scared shitless
Cody says: i saw the rankings today
Krista says: why, are you getting killed
Cody says: and i�m ranked last
Cody says: I�m gonna get my ass kicked
Krista says: but you're only 19 and you're at an international event and you run for a practically no-name school (in their eyes)...that is awesome silly
Krista says: did you get your Canada jacket?
Cody says: we�ll see
Cody says: i still got my jacket
Cody says: well it�s not a jacket
Cody says: it�s a pullover
Cody says: but still
Krista says: that's cool...
Krista says: I miss you baby
Krista says: when you get home, will you call me and tell me about it?
Cody says: i have a lot of work to catch up on
Krista says: aren't you missing midterms and stuff right now?
Cody says: yeah
Cody says: i gotta make shit up
Krista says: that's a bother
Cody says: yup
Krista says: I cannot believe you're in Argentina.
Cody says: Yeah
Cody says: I gotta jet now, I might be back on later though
Krista says: Okay, I love you v. much, be careful
Krista says: Good luck w/your race if I don�t talk to u before then
Cody says: thanks
Cody says: later

He's running in the Pan-Am games in Argentina right now. How awsesome is that? I have a super-star boyfriend. Okay, ex-boyfriend, you know what I mean. I am so, so proud of him. And happy he e-mailed me back, and it wasn't a mean e-mail. It doesn't really say anything of significance, but still, I take what I can get.

i dont have much time to write here, not that it feels like i ever have much time anymore... but i�m in argentina right now remember... i wont be home til next week. trip is going alright, it�s so different here, i�m scared to race, they�re gonna kill me. anyways i have to pay for internet so i�ll talk to u later. cody

Last night around midnight I wrote him an e-mail on a whim and basically blurted out a lot of I love you's and I miss you's and told him how I wish we could be friends, etc. and my theory of how our time apart is part of God's plan and that in the end it will have made us stronger. Basically, it was gushy and I expected him to either not reply at all, or reply with a "I told you I'm happy and nothing can be changed now" sort of thing he usually tells me. So I am pleasantly surprised. Actually I feel exhilarated. I'm probably reading way too deeply into nothing but, I'm having really good feelings about everything today. This is going to happen, and it won't take years. We can do this, we can be together again. I am thinking positively.

I know I make a big deal out of little things, but sometimes it's the little things that are the most important, right?

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