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one day I'll fly away
October 11, 2001 11:16 p.m.

I'm so tired and so blah. Actually, that was a lie. I'm not really that tired, I think I'm more bored than anything. Studying biology all night will do that to you.

However, between studying I managed to fit in Friends, Diary of the Backstreet Boys and ER. Oh, and Survivor. How much studying have I really accomplished tonight? Maybe a good half an hour. So I really didn't study at all.

I never used to watch this much TV. What's wrong with me?

And I'm getting a caffeine headache. And I feel whiny. And I don't want to go out tomorrow night. But I have to.

Tuesday night, Anna went to a party and never came home. It sent her mom into a hysterical fit and everyone was searching for her. Shannon wouldn't tell Chelle anything besides that "a lot of shit went down" at the party. So today we finally got (very small) pieces of information from Shannon, and when Chelle called Anna, Anna freaked out and said she needed to talk to us tomorrow night. Chelle said she'd never heard her sound so desperate, ever.

I'm a little bit past the worrying stage, because through piecing everything together in a logical way, I'm assuming she went home with her best guy friend (who's been in love with her forever) and they had sex, and she feels like shit about it, because of the whole "never having sex with anyone but Serg" thing, which is identical to my whole Cody complex and pretty much the same situation I went through a few weeks ago.

Not that that is unimportant. I more than understand exactly what she's feeling, but...fuck. Her and Chelle's lives combined give me a migraine sometimes. As much as I love them and love to be there for my friends, right now I am just not in the mood for a cry-fest. As indifferent as this sounds, I'd rather just smoke a joint.

Which isn't really an unreasonable request. When I was tripping about Cody, that's all they wanted to do. Get high, laugh it off for a night, and life is great.

Guys ruin everything. I wish I were a lesbian.

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