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intolerance of intolerance
October 9, 2001 4:56 p.m.

Before I go off on my rant, some people are inquiring if I am in one of those pictures I posted yesterday. I'm the blonde in the last picture, in the middle of my friends Chelle and Anna.

I find some people intolerable. And I don't just mean annoying, I mean completely, absolutely intolerable. I sometimes post on a message board on the internet where people of several different nationalities post. There's this American woman there who drives me absolutely, completely insane.

I don't think I can take it anymore. She's a vicious, arrogant, close-minded bitch who attacks anyone with a slightly opposing view to hers.

I strongly dislike this woman. She embodies every bad stereotype there ever was about Americans. I mean, I've know a lot of Americans who are great, but she is just a replica of everything I didn't want to believe actually existed. I mean, she's actually like that. It blows me away.

If there is one thing I really cannot stand, it is close-mindedness. It's just the one thing I do not tolerate in people. I cannot be friends with someone who is not willing to accept new ideas or at least listen to new ideas and not attack them and the person with the idea. I don't know if that made any sense, but what I'm trying to say is, if I knew this woman in real life, I think I'd smack her.

I'm so full of rage right now.

I need to calm down. It's just a stupid message board, and a stupid woman. Arrgh.

Oh yeah, and I hate TV. Every channel is broadcasting American propoganda at me as if by diffusion I'm taking in everything I see and hear to be the truth. All I want to do is to watch my Simpsons and Friends after I get home from school. I know my country is involved in a war right now, but honestly, can we please talk about something else? Can I not be bombarded with all of this every second of my life? It is all my mom watches on TV, it is all anyone talks about. I am feeling so overwhelmed and upset by all of this. Normally, I am really interested in world events. I love world history and politics, History is my minor for God's sake. But when it's hitting this close to home, I just want it all to go away. No more televison broadcasts, no more class discussions, no more bitches ripping into me as if I support the Taliban just because I am disappointed and upset it has come to this.

The huge sign in the Langara Student Union reads,


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