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can't buy me love
October 4, 2001 8:55 p.m.

I'm not a complete spazz today, and no I never sent that e-mail to Cody. Instead I went to the mall again (when I should have been in History) and spent another $150 on clothes to wear tomorrow night. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I have a shopping problem. Completely inherited from my mother, I'm sure. When I was really sad she even took me to the mall on purpose to buy my happiness. No wonder I have a knee-jerk reaction to spending money and my closet is literally bursting. And I do mean that literally, there's a pile of clothes at the bottom because everything is so stuffed together that when I try to take one shirt out, 4 fall off their hangers with it.

So I bought a new pair of low-riding black pants from Buffalo (they're very nice...) and a burgundy sleeveless shirt. I actually couldn't remember if I already owned a burgundy sleeveless shirt, but I took a chance on it. Now all I need to get tomorrow is a new jacket and I'm set. And maybe a new eyeliner, just for the hell of it.

When I am a billionaire (notice the when), I am going to buy all of the kittens and puppies in all of the pet stores in the country and give them good homes.

I can't think of a whole lot to say right now. Oh, I got a B on one of my Psych tests which isn't bad. Haven't got the other one back yet (not looking forward to that one). I did my Biology midterm #1 today and it wasn't too bad either.

I wish I didn't have to take this required crap for UBC next semester. I wish I could just take some courses I really want to, like Creative Writing (Non-Fiction), American Lit, Religions of the World. But no, I have to fill up two blocks with Biology and Canadian History again. Damn the system.

My hair looks like crap, I wish I could get it cut a little before tomorrow night too. Definitely not enough time, I still don't know how I'm gonna fit in the jacket-buying and getting my nails done. I'm Super Woman, things will work out.

I'm super girl, and I'm here to save the world...

I think I'm starting to fall for this guy in my Biology class. He's super cute, totally my type. I mean, he's a typical "Krista" sort of guy. Blond and boyish looking, maybe 20 years old, really smart, sturdy. Sturdy as in, not necessarily super built, but not skinny. Just...a good size, maybe 5'10"-ish, and I'm only 5'3" so that's like, perfect size for me. I have an obsession with guys' arms and chests and his are so perfect; he looks like if he'd give you a hug it'd be strong and protective and mmmmmmm. I've talked to him lots and he's really nice. I think he's into snowboarding because today he was wearing this white long-sleeved shirt that said something about boarding and had a snowflake or something on the back...whatever, he looked hot in it.

And I totally forget what his name is.

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