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cry freedom
September 17, 2001 10:33pm

"In this case, Yapko's data are alarming because they reveal how widespread misinformed views can be, even among professional psychotherapists. As you'll find in Chapters 6, 8 and 12, there is little, if any, scientific evidence to support the belief that memories recovered through hypnosis are especially accurate, nor is there any scientific evidence to support the existence of past lives (remembered or otherwise!). These survey findings point to the need for improved education and training, at least for this group of respondents."

And this, my friends, is why I do not like science. What the fuck? A need for improved education and training because 27.6% of the psychotherapists surveyed believed that hypnosis can bring back memories of past lives? It's called faith, buddy...just because something has not been scientifically proven doesn't mean it doesn't exist...

What did I do today? I went to school from 8am to 4pm. During my break in the LSU I sat across from a guy whose girlfriend had her head in his lap. She was pretending to be asleep while he was running his fingers through her hair. It was so sickeningly sweet, I had to sit somewhere else. There was a lot of alliteration in that last line. In fact, "It was so sickeningly sweet, I had to sit somewhere else" could be considered a poetic line from something in Old English, with the caesura and everything. Excellent.

I talked to Chelle last week. She was even more fucked up after the bud bash than I was. We're both positive now that it was not marijuana in those cookies, and even it if was, it was definitely laced with something. I was visually hallucinating, and pot does not do that to you. That was the single most messed up night I have ever experienced. So Michelle and I decided we were going to lay off on the pot for a while.

Then I talked to Lindsey yesterday, who apparently got ripped with Michelle on Friday, so that didn't last long. I mean, I didn't really think it would anyway. Although, Lindsey did say that Chelle was sketchy about it at first. Ah yes, peer pressure. Gotta love it.

So I am a week and two days free of any illegal substances. I feel like such a's actually pretty funny, because if you knew me in real life...I am really the furthest from delinquent as you can get...

I don't know what else to say. I wish I had something intelligent to talk about but all I can think about is how much I need to read and how much I haven't read and therefore much reading I will be behind in come next week when I have my test in Psych.

Oh yeah, and it's the 17th. In 2 months, it will be me and Cody's ex-3-year-anniversary, whatever that means.

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