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listen to my nervous laughter
September 3, 2001 10:41 p.m.

I am so incredibly nervous about school tomorrow, you really have no idea. I am actually forcing myself to do breathing exercises. I'm scared out of my fucking mind, and I don't know why. I wasn't this scared about school last year...

Almost had a nervous breakdown an hour ago. I felt so nervous I was going to be sick to my stomach, so I called Breanne, who goes, "OhmygodI'msonervousabouttomorrowI'mgonnapuke!", which were my sentiments exactly. Then we started screaming back and forth. You know, I'd go "AH!" and she'd go, "AH!", and so on. Deep breath.

I am not going to be able to sleep. I am going to lay in bed freaking out until 5 in the morning, sleep for an hour, and get up to go to school, I know it. I feel like I'm going to scream.

So I have five classes: Psych 115, Psych 215, Engl 223, Bio 116, Hist 116. I'm sure I'll write my first impressions of each class tomorrow.

I'm sorry I just had to scream for a couple mintues in here about how totally unnerved I am right now. I can't think about anything else. Breanne and I are going to be totally and completely flipping out tomorrow on the way there. I mean, we are not going to be sane, I can feel it already.

I think I'll take a hot bath and read more of my book. I was previously trying to distract myself with the N*Sync concert on TV but I think it's only contributing to my breakdown.

It's Cody's first day at SFU tomorrow. I wonder what he's doing right now.

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