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charm designs

tell me why I cannot be where you are
August 16, 2001 12:06 a.m.

Today I am lonely.

If I can't be with Cody, I just want to meet a really nice guy. Someone who will become my best friend. A guy who is strong and intelligent and who really cares about me. Someone who calls me and wants to hang out with me, even if it's literally just "hanging out", as in, watching my favourite shows with me.

I want a guy who reads books and will talk about them with me and be genuinely interested in what I have to say about them. I want a guy who doesn't have a problem opening up to me and telling me what he's feeling. I want him to be romantic, even super-cheesy romantic...someone who will bring me flowers and dedicate songs to me and basically make me the queen of his world.

I want a guy who will laugh at my jokes, and who will spontaenously compliment me, who will notice when I wear my hair differently or if I bought new shoes. I want a guy who wants me so bad he can't stop touching me. I want him to pull me close to him when we're standing together. I want him to kiss my cheeks, and tell me I have pretty eyes.

I want him to understand what I've been through and realize that I have to take things slow, and that I have a hard time trusting people, and that I'm weary of promises. I don't want him to tell me he loves me until he really, truly means it, and I don't want to have sex with him until I'm certain he means it.

I want someone to want to be with me. I want a boy to be so infatuated with me that he thinks he's going crazy he's so in love with me. I want him to never give up on me, no matter how cold I am to him sometimes. I don't want him to lose hope, I want him to really feel like I am the one for him.

You know, just to see what it's like from the other end.

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