about me
charm designs

the big unlock
2001-07-28 6:55 p.m.

Change of heart.

"Dear Krista,

My name is Shelley*, I'm 19 and from New Zealand. You don't know me but I've been reading your diary for a long time and was wondering why you locked it. I mean, that's totally up to you I'm just curious. Reading it helped me a lot cause I could identify with you so much and I realized that Im not alone. I have problems with anerexia, bulumia and very low self-esteem. I also used to be suicidal but it was your diary that stopped me killing myself. I hope you don't think I'm being over-dramatic. I don't know why I didn't email you sooner because when you were talking about your depression and suicide attempts, I got really scared that you would go through with it. It scared me out of killing myself, and I guess I must be really selfish cause I never emailed you to beg you not to do it, I was too caught up in my own problems. So I wanted to thank you for that and to apologize. Anyway, probably by now you think I'm some insane lunatic but I hope you don't. And cause I haven't been able to read your diary for a while, I wanted to check that you are ok. I hope so."

(* = name changed to protect the reader)

This e-mail I recieved today brought me to tears. I have unlocked my diary. I cannot thank "Shelley" enough for her words that touched my soul.


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