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charm designs

saw you with a smile
July 23, 2001 2:50 p.m.

Today was my first day working at the preschool, and it was wonderful. I'm dead tired, but there's a simple satisfaction I get from taking care of young children. I love to see their faces light up. I love to know they're having fun and I'm helping them create memories.

Need to plan my course load for the semester coming up. Worrisome, aggravating, confusing thing to do, yet at the same time, enjoyable. Back to school is an excitement for me. Call me crazy, but I like school and I like learning. The thought of taking brand new courses puts a smile on my face. I look forward to the readings and the note-taking. Nerd power.

My eyes keep closing I am so tired, but I really want to finish my book, A Map of the World by Jane Hamilton. I'm really enjoying it so far. I'm also reading The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, which is okay so far but I'm not that interested.

I am not racist in the LEAST, but this is the truth and I'll try to explain this through. I don't enjoy books that deal with black slavery. I don't know if it's because I'm not American, don't know the exact history behind slavery, and I only know one black person, or what. I just have never, ever found African-American books interesting. I've read my share of them, some of them for school, and to me, they're all the same. It's the same story over and over, change the names around and voila.

It's not that I don't think the topic shouldn't be discussed (my god, of COURSE it should). I just don't enjoy reading those kinds of books. I try, I mean I'll read the rest of this book and give my real opinion when I'm fully done, but from what I can see so far, I've been there, I've done that. New story, please.

I'm sure it's the same deal with some people and the books I read. Everyone finds different genres interesting. I like the drama and poetic tendencies of a lot of African-American books, but it's the plot I can't get into.

I think I may try out an African History class. I think I'd find it really interesting, actually. Not AMERICAN history, African, like the deal with the Congo in the 1960's...that sort of stuff. That is, if my ever-so-cool college offers African History.

I think I've blabbered way too much about school for the day so...I'll be seeing you.

I want this lock off. I used to get 300 views a week. My traffic report came today. Since I've had the lock I've had 15.

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