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charm designs

May 5, 2001 3:55 p.m.

I haven't been updating a lot lately so I suppose I shall fill you in with what has been going on in my life as of late.

I'm still working at the same place I have been at for the last few months. This summer I plan to continue there as well as helping my mom out in her summer program as an assistant preschool teacher. I am really looking forward to that one, considering I am planning on working with preschool-aged kids someday. Plus it pays $10/h so that isn't too bad either.

School's over. I got an A, A-, B+ and C-. So I didn't fail French. I didn't even get a D! I don't know how I pulled that one off, but I did, and it's all over so who cares anyway. I'm looking forward to next year's classes. I'm going to take Psychology, SE Asian history, Vietnam 1945-1969, British and American Lit, Sociology. I know I sound like a geek, but I'm actually looking forward to going back to school already. I can't wait until the fall course book comes out, so I can choose what I want exactly. To tell you the truth, this sudden eagerness to learn actually relieves me quite a deal. Maybe I'm actually getting better, for once. A part of my normal self has returned - I have always liked school. This last school year, I hated school with a passion, which was completely uncharacteristic for me. I am happy that my appreciation for learning and studying has returned, at least in part.

Today I signed up with Fitness World. It's not a bad offer, it's about $35 a month, which gradually decreases to $17 a month once you've been there 2 years. Megan, Shannon and I went to an Abs, Butt and Thighs class today and it was really good. I can barely walk right now, but I love the feeling of knowing I got a really good workout. I love fitness classes, so I think I made a wise investment, though it was definitely an on-the-spot splurge. So I plan on having a hot body this summer. Provided I go at least 2-3 times a week. Please remind me in my g-book to go. Yell at me if you must, because I tend to have little motivation when it comes to things like this.

I plan on driving downtown today to pick out a new piece of jewellery for my navel. I think I want a barbell with a diamond or baby blue jewel/bead but I haven't decided yet. I'm somewhat attached to the plain ring I've had for almost a year now. When people ask me how long I've had it for, and I say almost a year, they say, "And you haven't changed it to a barbell yet?!" Actually, the thought hadn't really crossed my mind until recently. I got my belly button pierced intially because I wanted the ring - I never wanted the barbell to begin with. I'm sick of my royal blue bead though. If anything, that needs to be changed. And I'd love a GOLD piece if I could, but I already committed to $478 a year today so I'm not sure I need to pass over that debit card again. But who the hell cares, right? I'm working. I'm young. You only live once, and life is way too short. I can't help it if I like gold jewellery better than silver. I wear gold earrings, a gold ring, a gold navel ring should match. I dislike inconsistency.

What else is new? Ah yes, Cody. We're not together yet, but I'm still infatuated and it will happen soon enough. I've had a couple minors upsets and one slightly larger upset since he's been home, but other than that, fairly smooth sailing emotion-wise. And that's all I have to say about that.

I've had a little obsession with self-tanning recently, and have successfully tanned my whole body once, and not-so-successfully tried again after that and streaked a little on my upper arm. With signing up with Fitness World I can choose 10 free tanning sessions or something like that, so I think I'll go for it. This self-tanner stuff is great though. Why bask in UV rays for hours and risk burning when you can smear chemical dye on your skin instead? Yummy.

If I think of anything else to write, I will later on. I hope you enjoyed my little update, as exciting as it was. For all you fellow Vancouverites, enjoy the sunshine this weekend, k?

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