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i'm still alive
April 10, 2001 6:07 p.m.

I have not written in a while, I know, it's terrible. But today I have good news to report - I am blonde again! Sort of. I woke up this morning and decided that since it was my first day of no-stress-because-of-3-exams, I needed to spend a lot of money. So I hauled my ass to the salon.

I love it there. I think I'd go every week if I had the cash.

I have not talked to Cody for a week now. I miss him so much. I don't even know how he did in his race on the weekend.

I have barely eaten anything today yet I am not really hungry. I feel a little faint though, but I also didn't take my medicine last night so perhaps that is why. I hate this withdrawal shit.

Tonight, if I don't go out, I will finish my library book (that is now overdue and I don't want to return because I want to finish it), and I will do my Kathy Smith video. Tomorrow I get to train Jess at work; I'm not sure if she is coming in at the same time as me or if she'll just have a four hour shift.

I'm sorry this entry is really boring but nothing particularly interesting has happened to me in the last week, besides that I took three exams yesterday and probably failed French for good. Mon dieu!

Kimberly if you are reading this, you better write in your diary soon or I'll have to kick you! Hehe ;)

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