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charm designs

March 6, 2001 9:13 pm

I cannot begin to express how much my mother annoys me. I can't stand her presence, I can't stand her voice. Everytime she tries to tell me something I feel like screaming. I just want to get out of this house.

I am so angry today, probably due to major sleeping problems last night. I've been grumpy all day. I just wish I was so tired I could fall asleep, but instead I have a splitting headache and I am so dizzy that I can't. Maybe I will try another cool bath. It seemed to calm me down last time I felt upset. I wish I could read one of my books I took out from the library but my head is spinning.

My English teacher today said I write very fluently and my organization is wonderful. That put a smile on my face for at least the car ride home from school. Gorgeous day today - warm and sunny, not a cloud in the sky, Backstreet Boys playing in my car driving over the bridge, North Shore mountains in full range. I really love Vancouver.

World Vision contacted me and told me my sponsorship went through. At least my hard-earned cash can be sent to someone who lacks the necessary means of survival, rather than being spent on my sorry self. I figure that my $31 a month probably accounts for my visits to Subway, McDonalds, 7-11, a few cans of Coke at school, a Hazelnut Mocha from Starbucks or two, and maybe a movie from Blockbuster. I can do without those luxuries so that one child can have a few pencils and some food. Really.

I know I am doing a good thing. Doesn't feel so good yet, but perhaps when I look into the eyes of my sponsor child (the picture should come in the mail in the next 2 weeks), I hope I will feel differently.

Somewhere someone wishes they had my first world problems, hmm?

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